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© © 2004 Picture This

don't...answer it.


something different


© © 2004 Picture This

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LOL! Well PT, I think that you have broken the rules of the Trigger Word assignment with this one...

There is no doubt about this being something different. Your choice of decor is not entirely to my taste, those colours made me think about the 1970s all over again. There is nothing here that suggests broken to me and yet, if I think about this image in a conceptual way (but that is "not allowed", of course!), it is easy to conjure up memories of all those broken mobile phone connections that I have experienced over the years. Probably scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying to say anything else of substance. Guess, I'll finish off with a question. Why the close-up? Deliberate attempt at making this an abstract?

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I'll add a resounding second to Liv's comment. Idongetit neither. Also, as an abstract it leaves me kinda cold. Too centered, too static. Maybe it's like Peter suggests - just a bunch of broken rules. But the rules are there for a reason, and there's gotta be a better reason to break them. Better than some dumb assignment, anyhow. (Yeah, I know, I know - this assignment is one of the best we've had. But even so...)
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Don't...quite...get it. Maybe you have to be old to understand the meaning behind this one? ;) All kidding aside, I think this image has been mainpulated a little too much, in fact, it looks like the image has become grainy and pixelated due to the harsh alterations. The edges are not well defined and the whole thing appears to be randomly thrown together. Maybe if it was a wider view things would have turned out a bit better? I don't know...it's hard to say. I think the idea was there, it just just wasn't done as well as it could have been.



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I tried hard to get itbut honestly I dont. It is a poor comment, perhaps it is an interesting image but I confess it is beyond my understanding. I have tried to see what is communicated here but I dont understand this language. Perhaps PT can illustrate us.
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Ok, so the phone doesn't work, but how are you showing us that it is in fact broken? There is nothing that would seperate this one from a working phone. The shapes and colors do offer some interest, if for no other reason than the retro look that Peter refers to. In the end though I agree with Michael in not being crazy about this one. With that said, I could really see it working if it were part of a series or body of work. Based on style I think I have PT pegged on this one.
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Okay.. perhaps this PT took one too many liberties on this one. I say perhaps because because no one got it right.


I was going for broken silence. You see in my house when the phone rings, no one wants to answer it. Not because we are lazy but because if we had wanted to speak to someone we would have called them oureselves. Exclusionary, perhaps but it makes for a quiet house.


Peter I must reply to your close up question in true 70's fashion.....it's my style man.


Michael....static is just what I wanted. Loud, noisy, obnoxious static.


Matt, well, knock off the old jokes...this PT isn't that much older than you. ha,ha,. You also mentioned grainy and pixelated and you are right. Absolutely. However you are way off on the randomness of the element. This PT isn't in the habit of throwing things together. For me there is always a reason. It may not be clear to the viewer and that is something I need to rectify for clarity.


Thomas...oh dear have I tipped my hand????

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Come on now NP don't be shy. I know your familiar with this here territory...why not let us all benefit from your wisdom by leaving a comment .( Just curious, I hope you rated the image before this PT's comment above...)
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don't ...worry pt


pt's images are occasionally rated low by passers by cos many rate without reading about pt or our theme and find the images a little off the norm. right now there seems to be a barrage of low rating too in the pn world (even more than usual that is) and many feathers have been ruffled and are flying. not sure why its increased, poss cos bob and brian are otherwise occupied these days. if the guy is a pt stalker tho' i take it all back - i havnt been following up the pt ratings much.


i see your intent now but there is little evidence that the phone is ringing and hence breaking the silence. dont really get it with the triptych either (sorry) havent really come up with any thoughts tho - it has a certain je ne sais quoi ... green maybe, but not broken.

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Actually when I mentioned a series, I was thinking of several unrecognizable (or barely recognizable) images with the same bold colors. I'm not sure a series of this same item holds as much interest as that would.
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Ever had the feeling your flogging a dead horse? Perhaps I should hang this one up for now in the hope that tomorrow brings some measure of hope for the image. Thanks to all for the comments.
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