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Monteverde Hummingbird

john y.k. lee

Fuji Superia 800f5.6 1/250 secSB-25 with flash -1.7 exp compensation

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I am curious of what people think. Most pictures have hummingbirds

next to flowers, but these were mostly feeding at feeders, and I

didn't want to capture the artificial feeder.


I used ISO 800 film, because I was in the rainforest and there

wasn't much light. My only other film at the time was Provia 100F.


I am curious whether others will suggest that I have switched to

that slide film. This would have made me change my exposure. My

meter was reading f5.6 1/250sec. Three stops would have put me at

f4 1/60sec or f2.8 1/125 sec. OR I could have made the background

darker by one stop f4 1/125sec and use the flash more. What would

you have done?

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This looks noisy, but I'm guessing that's high ISO or fast film? I'd crop a bit off the right, but that's just my opinion - it's nice as it is.
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If the sharpness would hold up, I'd crop it. However, this is really nice with the multicolor background blurred...
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Have you tried neat image for cleaning grain & noise, this is a great image. attached is your image run though this program

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Thanks for the tip, Tom. Another friend of mine suggested Noise Ninja, and I just tried it. It is fantastic. I am really excited to work with Noise Ninja and to print this.
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