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"Flying in Celestial Light"


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wow jim, you are truly an artist. this compostion really captures what i think many of us see in our dreams. a feeling of peace tranquility and, yes, freedom. just like a dream, you can't remember everything as clear as you would like, but there are often things that are so clear that they seem real. all of your work is beautiful, and i really appreciate the photoshop help from such a skillful artist...


a thought, i think i might like to see the trees above the girls head a little more blurred though, to match the rest of the photo better and keeping her the only thing in focus...



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Guest Guest


The background is busy and distracting and the swing and child get lost in it. And the choice of perspective lacks impact. No amount of "conceptual marketing" changes that.
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I love this, a perpetual dream, remembering youth and peace, a blue sea of wonderful moments.

Bravo, Jim!!

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This is a wonderful "dream" image where the whole is far greater than the parts. It has nothing to do with distracting background or the swing standing out. It has everything to do with the wonderful dreamlike emotion that it evokes so strongly. One needs to feel the picture instead of looking at the parts. If emotional content is the most important element of any picture (photograph, painting, sculpture, or whatever), and I think that it is, than this image is exceptional.
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You very definitely conveyed a dreamlike feel in this composition. I immediately identified with it and it does look like something a person would dream. This one stands out to me more than the others in this series.
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There is a sweetness and gentility to this image which penetrates somehow through the color scheme. Personally, I don't associate this tonality with what I feel when I look at this image, so this is quite a moment for me. The little one on the swing,apparently, emits the warmth I am feeling here, and the color/tonality somehow disappears. Weird, huh?
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Everything must start with a good foundation. This one did. I might actually like the original better. I think the earth tones make the shot a bit warmer. Still, great work Jim.
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Very good Jim. Hell, I like the original. Might even like it a bit better as Dave mentioned. The placement of the girl and swing in the frame is perfect
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As a few commenters have suggested, I like the original better than the manipulation.


Many of your photos seem dark and forboding. Are you in a "blue period" similar to Van Gogh, Picasso, etc. I sure hope not, since they were all depressed when they did their "blue" works.


I pray that you will come out of your "dream" state back into reality soon.


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I just had to comment on this one--This is incredible! I LOVE the manipulation here. I think one needs to stare at it a bit to really get into it. Now, my thought... I may need psychological counseling but... I find this almost scary. It reminds me of a scene in a movie where something bad is about to happen--see that little dark area just to the right of the tree? It reminds me of the poem/phrase "something wicked this way comes..." Absolutely awesome--I would buy this!
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Jim, although I like the original, this altered version has much more meaning for me. I like the way you isolated the figure from the background. Very often in dreams it's the mood and emotion that you remember rather than the specific details and I think you have captured that.
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While I'm not always convinced that all of your "creations" belong on Photo.net (I know, I know, I've got a small-minded view of what constitutes a photograph), I don't have that problem with this one. This has a very magical feel to it which is enhance by the bluish tone. I don't also have much use for Jungian psychology, but the title is apropos. Really fine work (as are your other creations)! Also, the manipulated photo, in my mind, is far superior to the rather pedestrian color shot of the girl on the swing.
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Jim, you are a gentlemen, and a scholar...I'd like to add "and there's very few of us left.", But I'm afraid i don't belong in this catergory. Thanks you so much for your response. I very much look forward to your print on my living room wall. Have a great trip in Africa!
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Jim, I am coming to this late, and so everything I would have said has already been, and aptly as well. You are a true poet with your work, and I love this one....
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