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Winter Gale

With an approaching cold front, southwest Michigan was under high wind warnings today, with gusts to 60 miles per hour. Gale warnings were issued on Lake Michigan, with 12-14 foot waves. Temperatures were about 20 degrees above normal before the cold front passed, in the low 60s. In this capture of the South Haven Lighthouse, a large wave crashed into the end of the pier, creating sprays of water over 75 feet above the surface of Lake Michigan. You can see the piles of ice accumulating next to the pier along the shoreline from the freezing cold water and the waves that deposit the ice there. Aperature priority, ISO 200, 1/800 second at F7.1, +1/3 compensation, handheld. Levels, color, and USM in PS7. Cropped square from original. **BEST VIEWED LARGE**

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Jen, as always your lighthouse compositions are stunning. Do you live near this particular lighthouse, or do you visit it frequently? The variety of conditions you have been able to capture on this one fixed subject is truly impressive. It just goes to show that a good photographer knows when to take great shots.
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Thanks guys!


Allen, I live about an hour and 40 minute drive from this lighthouse. I *used* to live about 45 minutes away until I moved further north in Michigan. This particular light, along with Grand Haven Lighthouse, hold special places in my heart. Shooting in different conditions grows on you rather quickly. It totally amazes me at how the composition out there, most noticeably in the winter, changes DAILY, due to the ice and snow. I've been shooting this particular light for over ten years so it's been my most frequented subject.

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This is wonderful in composition and framing ... and to think that just a few weeks ago that lighthouse was covered in ice... what a difference. Cool shot!
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A polarizer might have squeezed a little more blue out of the sky. Excellent anyway. Nice catch.
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Thanks for the great feedback. This is one of about 200 images I shot in a matter of an hour and a half. I am also waiting (patiently!) on two rolls of Provia 100 pushed to 200. More to come!
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Only lacks the final splash of sunlight.. Imagine if that wave were backlit. or side lit as would have been also house...aka jaymaisel.com. If the sun is out, and the blue sky says YES, then the canon.digitisis did not have the resolution for that important, final, essential factor, needed to make this an extra ordinary shot. Interesting, well timed, clear and strict, and well exposed, yes... but still ordinary..
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I have to respectfully disagree with Thomas, I could see this hanging on an office or den wall with the caption "Persevere" at the Bottom. As to the "Canon digits"...Have to disagree there too. See jaymaisel.com for 1000's of stunning shots--ALL digital. Great shot, great crop.
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Yes, Skip, Maisel does do digits, but he uses it to get his fantastic lighting just right, as part of the compositions, and with that achieved, the digit effect becomes secondary.. Without that magical use of lighting, the digits dull the pix..The Jensen shots are not as well composed, but the fuji zeiss, photos4u.dk, is far superior in colors to Maisel. IMO..depends what turns u on..one mans meat......I still think backlit, this would have been a stunner
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Guest Guest


Did you ever see the movie the Stepford Wives? Thats what Thomas reminds me of. He is programmed to repeat the same crap over and over and over. Skip, ask Thomas where his great pics are.
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WOW- I am so envious of your access to so many beautiful lighthouses shots. I went to see your portfolio also and all I can say is BRAVO Clap Clap and BRAVO again. You are indeed very talented and I applaud your vast abilities for so many different types of photography. Keep up the great work !
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Sorry Folks, but I really don't want to get into a p*ssing contest here. I feel it's not polite to the person looking for critique. I will say this--If your critiques use phrases like, "I would have" you should provide examples of your work for comparison. I still feel the lack of backlighting is what makes this shot dramatic and omninous for me, sometimes the lack of multiple elements make the shot more interesting and less contrived. Just my .02
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