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this is really excellent. a nice nod at van gogh but a very good portrait in its own right. and of course great control of lighting and exposure as usual.
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I go way back; indeed, I recall the stunning Karsh of Ottawa portraits from the 50s and 60s. In fact, it was the Karsh portrait photographs that put the hook in me as a young teenager to take up photography with a vengence. I have always drifted again and again back to portrait photography, and if threre is any single aspect of the discipline related to making photographic images of which I consider myself fully informed and exhaustively experienced, it is portrait photography. Sorry for this lengthy intro, but I thought it was necessary in order that what I say be accurately considered. And what I say is this: This photo has every bit of the gut-level emotional power of any of the best images I've ever seen, including those of Karsh, Avedon, Arbus, Bourque-White, Doisneau, Man Ray, and all others. The emotional impact, however, is only a part of the authentic genius here; never have I been so anguished at being unable to talk to the subject, have a meal with him, listen to his stories. Other posts (and my own daughter) have noted a "Van Gogh" component to this picture, but in my view that's a memory of the small Vincent self portrait that sits out in the middle of the room at the Metropolitan. I think it's the straw hat; certainly there is more humanity, character, and engagement of the viewer in this man's eyes than in those of Vincent in his self-portrait. And for all its heady artistic attributes (some of which must surely have been purely fortuitous-but fortune is at least a 5 or 10 percent ingredient of any good photo), the portrait is of consummate technical achievement. For me it is almost overwhelming; each time I look at it I am once more encouraged by the sublime possibilities I have not yet achieved, yet to which I achingly aspire. Bravo, bravo and bravo.
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I add my compliments to the long list you've already received. I don't agree with the person who thought this would be more effective in sepia. The color adds a lot to this image and I wouldn't change a thing.
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Good shot!! He's got fire in his eyes. That light, we all hope to carry! Detail is very good. He seems content as if he has worked hard all of his life. I shows! And, he is proud of it. Yet, he hasn't lost the fire!!!!! He is a happy, self sufficient and contented person. Good focus and exposure to pull it off. Wonderful portrait...you and he should be pleased!!!!!!
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