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Dall Sheep 1


Adjusted and cropped in Photoshop CS.

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On cropping this shot, the more u crop, the less composition u have. Of course u can just have a great snapshot of the sheep, but that a great foto does not make..
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Just to be clear ... the image, as I uploaded it, is already significantly cropped. I am including the original here so that you can see what I did.

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Based on a comment on another photo, I realized that I didn't give any idea as to how I came upon these dall sheep.


I was on a road trip with my SUV in Alaska. I had never been there before, and had heard lots of awful things about driving the Dalton Highway (connects Fairbanks to the Arctic Ocean access ... it's really the only road north of Fairbanks). I didn't want to risk my truck on the unknown, so I joined a tour group. The tour included a flight from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay (on the Arctic) and then a 2-day drive (500 miles on mostly unpaved road) back to Fairbanks. There was no hiking involved (unfortunately!) We saw these sheep along the road when we came around a bend. We stopped and watched them for almost a half hour, then got back on our way.

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Great work, Lou Ann! Tom Turk is surely right in saying that if you get the snow right, you're going to have one dark sheep!
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The best of the three Dall sheep you have uoloaded. In fact I love both the original and the cropped version, Lou Ann
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I keep reading your Bio....."new to photography" !How in the world do you get away with this, it is like when we were kids and finished a piece of art, and turned to a mate and said, "of course I can do better.....!" This is the shot I would die to get love ! Now, kick some dust and say, "shucks, twernt nothi'n....." in a Southern Drawl...please, just for me ???? *R*
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Sorry, *R*, I don't speak Southern (except for the occasional, "y'all".) :-D


Really ... nature and landscape photography is easy. Those of y'all (oops ... there it is!) who do real photography in the studio always accuse us "nature" photographers of that ... just take a camera and capture a beautiful scene on film. It's really that easy ... For this set of shots, I just took my camera and took about eight shots, and uploaded the three that were the best, in my estimation. How can ANY of that compare to your recent shot of your knife? It was GORGEOUS. I could NEVER do anything like that.


Thanks for the encouragement. I want to grow as a photographer. Maybe it will provide a new career when I "outgrow" teaching math to 13-year-olds. :-)

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Hi Lou Ann, boy, it must have been exciting to see these sheep. It's difficult to photograph a white subject against a dark background. Do you have a spot meter on your camera? It might help. This crop is good but the other one helps with the DOF problem. Good try.
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Lou Ann, see you have the true Southern name....and I know the drawl comes out every now and then...My Sister lives in Florida or as she says Flo DAH'....and like you is from the North.


Would rather face tigers and bears than teach Maths again ! On Ya (all)....and as to this being easy, have a look around, seeing it is only 10% of the trip to this result !*R*

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Hello Lou Ann, great wildlife capture here & the crop is much improved from the original version. I agree on the suggested crop below Regina Chayer & leaving it in color is a good choice as the prodiminantly dark rocks makes the mountain goat prominent in the frame. Thanks much btw for the comment to my image, in regards to your query "Rainbow Vista" is in the distance (Background), best wishes.
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