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Beautiful from the Inside . . . Looking forward to your comments, ratings and suggestions. Thanks.

jos www.inpix.biz

I was inside the hotel getting to the patio when I saw the windows and the view...I asked the gentleman with the beer if it was OK to take a phto. I only got two shots because a number of other people came in and the scene was gone. I enhanced the shadows inside to bring out some colour in Photoshop, did minor sharpening and enhanced the saturation. Cropped then put a frame on it. Thanks for your input.


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This is very beautiful, looks like a painting...IMO, would add more punch if you can clone out the three folks outside the window.

Very well done...


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I try that, if I like it more, I'll repost. I usually stay away from people in my photo's but thats not happenning at Lake Louise on a good day. Thanks for the suggestion, Jos.
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Yup. I'd remove them too. The last thing I'd want to do is sit there and watch tourists (even though it probably can't be helpted here)!! The place has incredible beauty. Nice capture.
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Guest Guest


Removing the two people would definately re-create the 'idylic' shot, but knowing something about Lake Louise it seems more appropriate that there are other people there - in this way the person sitting down seems to me to be blissfully removed from whatever chaos the tourists are creating outside! Plus, having the people there gives the seated person something else to look at and something else for the viewer to ponder.


BTW, I want to go and sit down opposite the person - not to talk, just to sip a nice big mug of hot chocolate and enjoy the view with them ;-)

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Thanks Andrew...your insights are always well respected here. I agree that Lake Louise would be a tad odd void of people on a nice day! Cheers.
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The people are a bit of a distraction from the lovely scene and nice light. I say clone them and see if it works better.


Either way...Great capture of an awesome locale.

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Regina knows a WHOLE lot more about about good photographs than I do ... but I like the people in the shot ... it makes it a bit more realistic. This is a wonderfully gorgeous and original shot! Regards!
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That's really something!


Just to attempt making some improvements I would recommend reducing the grain from the digital camera with the selective blur in PS. Additionally if you stepped 30 centimeters to the right you would be standing exactly perpendicularly to the window frame to have a perfect balance of vertical and horizontal lines. But this is only an idea, a remark that I always are aware of after the photo is taken.

After all I like it a lot


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Jos, this has the most tranquil feel about it,,, In my opinion (which probably isnt worth much)I think it would be best to leave the people there on the outside, afterall, they were there. Either way,,, Fantastic!!!
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Jos, it is a very eye catching photo. why not upload the 2 versions, with and without the preople? I'm sure it will "talk" in both of them. I have written to you in my folder. Pnina
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hi; to add my pennyworth; somehow for me the it works with the people left in; a PERFECT shot would have them out but for some reason it makes this shot what it is.. depends if you are after a photo for a whisky advert or a real place you shot once... And just to mention; fantastic portfolio Jos... cheers Duncan
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Jos, I came to your portfolio via your photo, "I once owned the winds, now I am their slave"...which transfixed me, as much by the photo as by the haunting title whose words keep rolling around in my mind. It seems to me that you have a wonderfully poetic view of the world. Knowing that, I believe you need to leave the people outside right where they are, fishing, being tourists, walking. It's an interesting contrast with the old man sitting alone inside. The empty chair makes me wonder if he's waiting for his wife or if perhaps she is dead. I like the sense that the old man can watch the people outside being active like he once had been, perhaps making him recall various scenes from his younger years. And I like the light on the empty chair, the man's left hand and his head. Just a very nice, contemplative, wistful image. Just curious...and if you care to answer...what kind of music do you write?
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Just too cool!  That needs to be blown up huge and hung on a very large wall!.  I feed the need to grab a beer and ask him what he's thinking about.


Very nice!  Would not "fix" a thing!

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