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Festung Marienberg above Wurtzburg, Germany

Cropped, rotated to straight, corrected hue, saturation, brightness, contrast in PS6

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That would be the Festung Marienberg in Würzburg (not Wurtzburg). Nice shot; I like the lighting. It would be nice if the focal length was longer, making the subject more prominent, but it's nicely set here.
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Thanks for the name correction, Christian - I'm terrible with names, and it was too late n the evening to call my friends back in Germany to ask the proper name.


As for the shot - it was taken from a second floor window of the Residenz, and the 18-55 mm lens was all I had with me...and this is at 55mm. I took a few other shots of the city's skyline before the light had changed; but this best conveyed the look and feel of "old Wurtzburg".

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You were actually allowed to take photos inside the Residenz? I'm jealous -- when I visited in 2000, cameras were only allowed in the Kapelle and not in the main building; I actually had to check my gear at the door.
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Actually, I took a few of the interior before I was informed I couldn't. I did, however, ask permission of the guard (who, once he saw me taking shots of the interior, followed very closely. :-) ) to take a few shots out one of the windows - he graciously consented, and this is one of the results.


The sunlight broke through the clouds for all of about 20 or 30 seconds before it clouded over again. This is my favorite of the three shots I got off.


None of the interior shots are really noteworthy - possibly a punishment for breaking the rules... :-(

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I love the lighting and the subject matter. This almost looks like a 1700's mural painting. Absolutely stunning. Great job!
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