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Un souper de roches


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I agree, there is no artistic value in this. It's just a sad picture. [added later]: Ugo, my apologies - I spoke from the gut, not wishing to yet again drag up old and horrible memories from my optimistic youth. Your photo does have merit in what you are trying to convey. I too, if I had the resources, would take this poor starving dog home and nurse it back to health. This really saddens me.
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There is certainly journalistic value in this picture. Thousands of children die each day in the world because of lack of food. This picture illustrates the hungry places of the world. Some persons are so empty that they just want perfect pictures in their lives. There are other kind of pictures and places.
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I was filled with rage when i read through the comments on this EXCELLENT picture, Thomas is an ... i'm mad at him, this is more than artistic, it sends a message to the world. There are too many ppl around who don't know that there are places in the world with dogs and other animals like this on every block. I was in tijuana and photographed a dog like this that was sick before i went digital, and while i was there that week it died, and the 9 yr old boy who's family we were building a house for buried it in front of his house in his dirt yard. This is EXCELLENT, MEANINGFUL, POWERFUL, MESSAGE SENDING photography, and then it is composed well with good balance of colors. The dogs color makes it seem alive in a gray world, but then you see that it is dying, that rips your heart out... i could go on and on, wonderful work ugo, keep it up.
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Christian, I'm a what? Careful... I didn't say that this photo didn't tell a story. I said I didn't think that it was highly artistic. If you think I am callous and uncaring as to what happens to the poor of this world, your dead wrong. I've been to Sudan, Ethiopia, and other destitute countries, and watched thousands of starving people and half-dead dogs begging for scraps from me and my colleges. I've seen human tragedy and violation of basic human rights that would make you vomit on the spot. Ever been to a mass burial of the starved and diseased? I've done what I can to help and raise awareness. Back off.
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My third visit here, Ugo; just couldn't get this out of my mind - it's an image with great emotional impact in that regard. Odds are against him.. I hope he makes it.
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photo wise: it would benefit from including the full hind quarters and possibly some more negative space to the right.


dog wise: reminds me of my trip to central america. too bad there are no spay/neuter programs there that I am aware of but that is the least of the worries in some places I've been.




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Ugo, thanks for this picture. Artistic value?...well as photos go this one is very well framed, exposed and the color rendition is very good. It is a sad picture but a true picture.


I don't beleive in judging anyone by his or her experiences in hurting places. I explicitly don't beleive that having a discenting view on something gives merit to call someone, well,...... and getting mad at them. This is a photo forum but we are not disscussing politics. Photography is more than aesthetics, it is, document, the capture of a fleeting moment, a way for us to rememmber good and bad things. Maybe a window to ourselves and into ourselves. I know, I know, this is a photography forum, not a philosophical one....

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If I had been with you on that day, I would have taken it back to Taiwan. Where is your heart? Tiffany looks heathier, I can see you feed her well. Your idea to crop it this way to hide the big bloody dirty scar on its butt was really good. Keep on your good work
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Not a social commentary. Belive it or not animals starve to death all over the world. Find deer starved to death after a bad winter around here!

It's how most animals will eventully die. It's cruel. But so isn't getting eaten. Now if he had a dead cat in his mouth THAT would be a statement!

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A day never passes when you see a dog in this state in certain parts of India - A very powerful image - the dogs posture makes this image incredible.

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It may be a good thing you didn't try to feed it, or get too close to it. Many of these dogs are rabid, and dangerous. It is sad that there is suffering, and as has been discussed here already, lots of other animals and people suffer similar fates. The question is, if everyone was no longer hungry, would they then be happy?
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