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Tired of them yet?


Cloned out a branch.

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As a child my Ma (Grandmother) would sit me down with a book of Goulds prints of the native birds of Australia, and since she was English born, a book of birds of England as well, a field guide of some sorts. Later at school found an Audubon (sp?) book as well. I would look for hours. I ended up at Uni doing Biology and Chemistry, and would often be found in the bird santuary near the school. My Pa had an aviary and kept tropical birds, I shared my brekky with them often. No Kim, not tired of them one bit ! *R*
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That's good, Roger, because they are still around and I'm still taking pictures of them. Some of the shots are duplicates, but every once in awhile, I get a "new" one. I enjoy bird photography a lot.
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Thanks, Bente - they have become my favorite bird to photograph now (although if the cardinals come back again, they will be a close second).
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How are you? Another absolutely great bird shot. This one has something special. All My Best, Howard Dion PS Never get tired of your bird shots.
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Thanks, Howard and David. I'm not tired of shooting bird pictures, so I'm sure you'll see more sooner or later. I have a bunch I haven't posted yet, too. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.
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This is a really handsome pose and nice capture Kim, great work! I've seen a lot of different jay species, but still haven't seen a Green Jay. Will have to travel to Texas sometime. Cheers, -- Greg --
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Greg, they are a very beautiful bird, but they sure do make an awful noise when they call each other! Last fall and this spring was the first opportunity I had to see them up close and take pictures. They are a very large bird and hog the feeders so you don't get any other birds when these ones are here.
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