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Lincoln Memorial at Dusk (Best seen Large)


After an entire day of shooting in DC, I had just finished what turned out to be a useless Washington Monument sunset. Laying down on the grass tired and beat; the colors in the sky started to come alive. I grabbed my gear for one final run (literally another 10 minute sprint) to the Lincoln Memorial and managed to shoot about 15 frames before authorities kicked me out of the canal. (Many new laws since 9/11..).... I used a tripod, but the cable release fell in the water.....Your comments and opinions are always appreciated. www.hawaiianphotos.net

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Thanks for the thoughts.


Jay, I almost lost my gear to those guys. Ruthless, but got the point accross. Same with trying to shoot the Washington Capitol. No tripods allowed without a permit either.


Gustavo, I sent you a private e-mail regards the borders. Too long to post here.


Walter, Nice to hear from you. I think you are correct. It's in the original, so I left it in as well.


Thanks too Don for your feedback on the manipulation issue.


As for you Mr Peace lover...Your 3/1 rating is fine if that's what you really believe. Sounds though that you may have other issues going on. Feel free to e-mail me privately. vince@hawaiianphotos.net


Mahalo for all of your thoughts and comments! Aloha.

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I will only rarely say something, when I have nothing positive to say, but I really don't get it here. Whereas there is nothing wrong with this picture, I find it totally void of any interest. I will nevertheless rate it 6/6 to show that my purpose is not negativity.
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Vincent, Beautiful rich, saturated colours (your trademark) One time when a centered subject works. Actually it's not perfectly centered, but rather, presidence is given to the sky.(keeps the base heavier & thus, anchored) With such a large expanse of sky with few details, the slight vignetting at both upper corners actually enhances this one. Intended or accidental? Another stunner in any case. Best, LM.
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As Robert Wagner said..horizon in the middle...as it now it now sits, it is neither ethereal nor earthy. As there is not much detail in the upper sky, I would have tilted the camera down to just above the monument..and increased the foreground....mask off the top of the picture and see for yourself.
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Vince, this is a truly remarkable shot. I think people that shoot sunrises and sunsets believe the colors are real. But did you really get in the canal? Were you wearing boots?
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I love the colors in this photo. Absolutely beautiful and precisely the reason why I can't wait to try out some velvia some day. I'm just starting out and those colors are just unreal. The entire photo is great, but for some reason the star in the sky bothers me. The rest of the sky is just so red that the spot of white from the star really pulls my eye to it. Thanks for the great photo!
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This was taken at the end of March (Cherry Blossom week) Donna, so I went in with bare feet. It was painfully cold...like needles but you do what you gotta do. I was still in there for a fair amount of time. I remember every time I moved, the water would move and I would lose the clear reflection. In fact it almost looks like that flaming pear filter in the canal...probably from my being in there!


Thomas, you are correct in my opinion as well regards a lower angle and perhaps less sky. First of all, I probably would have eventually done that very thing, but as mentioned above never really had the opportunity since I was forced out and almost lost my gear in the process. The reason I did not crop this is more of a practical one. All of our mats are cropped 35mm dimensions of 2x3. To take away a measure of the sky, I would also have to crop the sides as well. Doing that to this image I would lose some of the trees that come inside the frame which I personally feel enhances this image to a reasonable degree. Like I said... more or less for practical purposes I left it as captured. Nevertheless I still feel it is an effective image even as is. And although the star might seem a distraction to a few, it adds a bit of an extra element to others including myself. So, I reckon she stays. Hope this answers all of your questions and thoughts. Thank you all for taking the time to share them to begin with! This is how and why we improve!! Aloha.

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No, it's more of a golden yellow. The Cokin filter would have added to the darker tint. Here is an attachment of one without.

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After getting past the "Ohhh" on this one, my next reaction was that the colors clash. But then one of the other favorite parts of this image for me is the way the memorial is represenative of the sun (I wish there were some of the lighter sky tones balanced out on the left also). So if the memorial has the colors of the sun, how much could it possibly clash with the colors of the sky?


I don't mind the composition/horizon, but expect Thomas' suggestion could only help. I enjoy seeing your take on a subject that is so different from what everyone has come to know you for.

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Your use of colors, filters and islander approach have transformed an otherwise typical shot in to a sort of memorial landscape photo. It is more interesting I believe for those of us that know your work.
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Thank you.... Images like this inspire me to get better and look at things a bit differnetly these days. Awsome work here.... I can't say enough about the use of light and composition.. EXCELLENT work!
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All of your photos are incredible! I don't think I have ever seen so amazing photos in one place. I am in awe of your work. Great portfolios!
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Everybody who's ever lived in DC (and I have) has tried to come up with some unique composition or exposure on possibly the most over-photographed subjects in the USA. This is great. It was worth wading into the reflecting pool and losing the cable release. What a nice job.


Rob Carnes

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It's been a while. I think this photo is stunning. From the composition to the colours, this photo is perfection. It is so warm and inviting, you'd be surprised it was such a cold day :) Especially since I was there some months ago and it was scorching hot.


All my best regards,


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Growing up in VA I've seen a ton of pictures of this monument but none with the color, uniqueness, and beauty of this one--congratulations!
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Well it's about freakin time I see one of your images on the front page... I knew it was yours the second I saw the thumbnail.


Hope all is well Vince. I'm starting to shoot again. Long over due I guess but definitely a break I needed.


Love the colors man. Great shot.



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The beauty of this shot is obvious so I won't go there. I just got back from shooting there last month so I just want to say "That's one hell of a sprint!" Nice work man! -Anthony
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Thanks Dave! That's a nice surprise. I also look forward to seeing some of your new kick-butt stuff.


Yep Anthony, I was all done and finished for the day and laying down on the ground with my water next to the Washington Monument. Then the thought entered into my mind to try something like you see here with Lincoln's Memorial. I was Carl Lewis for about ten minutes with backpack, camera bag, tripod...


: )

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Many kudos from a former DC resident (relocated to TP, Maryland). What is truly amazing is that there are seldom sunsets in DC of photographic value. Often the sun just decends and that's it. Did you wade out into the reflecting pool for the correct angle of the refection or did you go diving for that cable release. I enjoy the look of film but this image also invites thoughts of an HDR image combination.
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I've been silent on here a good long time. This begs for a comment or more. The photo is really great - except for the annoying border gimmick thing - and I love that a real film camera did it. Thanks for sharing!
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The shot is a nice closeup but I prefer the second photo you posted as the colors are more natural. I have a version of this shot on my site which is more blue/purple dusk shot: Lincoln Memorial and National Mall Reflecting Pool at Dusk.


Washington DC has some of the cleanest air of any US major metro area, so the sunsets/dusks are often very nice. My shot is also film, BTW...Velvia 100F. --Andrew

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