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© Copyright 2004, John Crosley, All Rights Reserved

Off for a Drink


Nikon F5, Nikkor 85mm. at f1.8 Kodak Max print film © all rights reserved John Crosley, 2004


© Copyright 2004, John Crosley, All Rights Reserved

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This is a powerful image, John--nicely caught with excellent lighting. The tight framing adds to the strength. (6/7)
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The sun was had already set, the light was very dim, and this

resident of the oceanside town of Moss Landing, California was off

to his favorite watering hole for a drink. Photo taken under the

lowest possible light conditions, handheld. Your ratings and

critiques are very much welcome. (Please submit a helpful comment

if you rate this image harshly or negatively/please share your

superior knowledge to help me improve my photography.) Thanks and

Enjoy. John.

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Guest Guest


The light and tones are good. I am trying to figure out if he looks like Slim Pickens or the winner of a Neil Young look-alike contest at a karioke bar.
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I have no idea what Slim Pickens looks like, but certainly he was missing what many of us value -- a chin.


Aside: My former nuclear family once had an au pair, a pretty young woman, except she had an abnormally receding chin. Her father was a highly-regarded nuclear physicist, her brother a television cameraman of high repute and her family was highly connected in the Mormon Church, but she bounced around from junior college to junior college, apparently aimlessly.


One day, after a considerable absence, she showed up after maxilofacial surgery (bone reconstruction plastic surgery). She was absolutely stunning, but not stuck up by any means as she'd developed a personality as a more ordinary-lookin woman. She hung around with the rock band Journey for a while, keeping up her work and junior college studies, then moved to Tokyo and became a fabulously successful photomodel, highly sought after I last heard.


A chin can make a difference.


This guy was NOT heading for a karaoke bar.


He WAS heading for a bar, however.


This shot was taken after sundown in the afterglow.


I stopped him at the more eccentric port of Moss Landing, CA., home of seaman, fishermen, felons and ne're do wells, because of his unusual look, long hair, and dress and asked for his photo (something I seldome do, but necessity is the mother of . . . well you get the point, and I wanted his photo, and he, appropriately frowned.)


Thanks for the observation.


Neil Young has a new song out today, of which I just heard a preview, that's based on a Beatles song, that scathingly indicts the President -- it's sure to be played everywhere. No Karaoke that, though certainly to win because it's got the familiar ('I am the walrus, koo, koo, ka choo' lyrics, from the Beagtles, though spun by Young for an anti-Bush take that is virulent.)


By all accounts the Democrats will win the next election, and anyone who doesn't think they will vote a bill of impeachment (and have reason to) is living in a fairy tale world; even the Republicans are abandoning ship (and, curiously enough, I'm a registered member -- no, don't ask.)


John (Crosley)

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