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The ubiquitous staircase photo


You might assume this is grainy...it is rather the design on the floor. Look closely

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Fine Art

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While staircase shots are very common, I never seem to tire of seeing them. I like the way you rendered the middle to black. It gives the feeling of unending. I think I would like you either moving into the space a little more or pulling back a little more to either get a more symetrical look or to stack the bottom railings more. I don't like how the floor texture causes a grainy appearance. I recently had the same trouble with a subject, and haven't resolved the issue yet. All in all I like it though.
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Im glad someone liked this one. It's ironic what you pointed out. I didn't render the floor black, it rendered itself somehow. This was the farthest back I could bet on this shot because my shoes were in the way...hmm...I bet I could crop it differently but then I would have to blow it up more and lose clarity. Thanks for your suggestion. The grainy appearance of the stairs is what made me like this photo so much (enough to put it on here anyway) because like you, I've seen so many staircase pictures as well. But anyway, I don't want to give too much away of why I like this one...I try to leave it to [you].
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It saddens me to see that this photo was rated they way it was. To tell you the truth I really like the grain, it looks like an M.C. Escher lithograph. I've noticed that many peoples coments are that pictures are rated poorly because they don't "say anything" well in truth im begining to believe that everyone wants to be told what a picture is about and not have to think about it. I also am a fan of shooting staircases, it seems that no two are the same and can always render a fantastic shot. This photo gives an excellent feeling of depth, and i salute you on a job well done :-)

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