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© Copyright 2003 - Tom Leech

Digital Darkroom

tom l


© Copyright 2003 - Tom Leech

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Now this something different! It took a second look to see the PS screen on the paper. Unique, original and very well done.
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I don't get it. What's with all the lab equipment? What's that thing at the top of the frame? Those cd's on the table look a little weird--like they're floating on top of eachother. And why is the kid rising out of the table? Is that some sort of comment on GMO's or something? Like "we're manufacturing kids and we should be afraid of that" or something. In which case the red lighting works...very scary stuff.
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Great concept and execution. I like the way you have the color shot jumping up to give it more more of our attention.
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Brendan - sorry you didn't get it. My idea was showing old film & based developing/enlarging has been replaced with digital technology. The lab equipment and thing at the top are all my old darkroom enlarger and stuff for making prints. There are no CD's on the table, that is a wire negative reel for developing film. The kid rising out of the table is first a shot of my computer screen showing the histogram + image and is positioned where the enlarger would have put the picture. Second, its rising out of the table to show that digital can not only make prints but also do some fancy digital tricks and to let the person viewing the image that this was done by computer.

The red lighting was to simulate B&W enlarging done with a red lamp. Its also to set the two techniques (film & digital) apart from one another. Hope this helps. Tom

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Very original and well executed. I particularly like the symbolic detail of using duotone for the "older" chemical darkroom technology as a background and the colour digital print rising up from within this older technology.


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Yeah, I like it - really innovative shot here, very creative. The image coming up off the enlarger table works here to show that it's a digital image in an analog world. Good stuff.
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