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Bunch of Rudbeckias


This was taken under florescent strip lighting with ambient light and then 'leveled' in PS

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My reason for giving this photograph the scores I have are as follows. I scored it low for originality, because, well, it's another flower picture. It looks like many other flower pictures. Aesthetically, there is no central point of interest, no unusual angles or lighting has been used, it just looks like a bunch of flowers sitting on the table. I might suggest framing a single flower in the bunch and shooting that, or arranging them into a pleasing shape, giving them a better background (the tea cup should go) and shooting them like that. In retrospect, I probably could've graded this photo a little higher for aesthetics because it isn't displeasing to the eye, but once I clicked on 2, the web site took off with my selection and won't let me change it.
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I admit, this wasn't a staged, carefully thought out photo: The

flowers were just in a cup in the kitchen waiting for someone to

do something with them. But I think that is just it, just what I

wanted to capture - their vibrancy and sunniness which they

naturally have.


Any way, any comments are appreciated, thanks, Lucy

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This isn't like most other flower macros - it's vibrant and original. The off-kilter compositon works.
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God job, IMO. You have successfully achieved your stated goal of capturing the "vibrancy and sunniness". Visual interest is enhanced mainly by the contrasts in the picture: i) the brightness contast between the dark bud centres and the yellow 'dots'; and ii) colour contrast between the yellow petals and the blue background.
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