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Half-self With Friends


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Curious what people think. This is from a 35 year old negative and

does have a few dust spots. Hopefully I can remove them before

enlarging. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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absolutley captures a mood. and a time. i like how it's broken up. and the eyes. sort of made me laugh out loud...thanks for bringing this one out. jt
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Great shot, looks like you are rockstars on your way to some gig... I don't think I want to know what the guy in the back is doing...
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Nice. I especially like how the face on the right is cropped down the middle. It helps convey a sense of "crowdedness" in the car. As if these guys are daring you to sit in the back seat.
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That guy in the back is rolling a joint isn't he? And judging by the guy front left it isn't the first joint of the day. :-)


This is a fun shot! If that's you on the right Gerald you have a great Elvis snarl going on. I like were the crop hits in the face, the whole shot has a disheveled "oh wow man" look to it. A nice nostalgic feeling, just a group of goofy kids out doing what they do. Are you still in touch with these guys? If so a reenactment might be a riot!

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awesome shot. sexy and dynamic. it's got jack kerouack sort of feel. and i love those haircuts (wonder what this boy in the back seat was taking. i mean doing).
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You dont roll a joint with your eyes that close up. Not with your specs on. Hell no, the fella in the backs cryin his eyes out. Look at the evidence. The big thick curly rope!! Crickey, hes even wearing hand-cuffs!! If you ask me, Gerald and his friends are doped-out vigilantes taking their back seat prisoner for a neck swing.


A lads pick and a fab pickie for your trophy room.

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Phil, while I admire your deduction about the impending neck swing for that poor fellow in the backseat I do see a flaw in your logic. It is still very feasible that this young man is indeed engaged in the process I've alleged. Since these fine boys are obviously sitting in a convertible he may very well be trying to avoid the wind vortices that are common in open top cars. This would explain his lowered position. Also, judging by the expression of his mouth he may have just completed the lick maneuver, which is a necessity in the building of a marijuana cigarette. At least that's what I've been told. :-)
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"It is still very feasible that this young man is indeed engaged in the process" - yes he is, but seemingly it's rather a process of throwing up than of taking in!


This could explain the half amused, half nauseated expression in the face of the cool half guy on the right.



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Bob, I realise that. But he couldn't possibly have had his tonsils near a reefer. See, as well as the handcuffs I'm pretty confident the others stuffed a handkerchief in his mouth. Back in the 60s it was recommended practice in all but the very worst kidnapping handbooks. It stopped the whimperings, the pleadings for mom and all those other drippy noises that condemned men seem to unleash on their executioners at this time of hour. Nowadays of course we just crank up the volume on our Walkmans.
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I think he was rolling a reefer in the back seat. He probably just licked the glue or was shielding against the wind. And I'm the one with the half face on the right with my outstretched left hand taking the shot. Now that I think about it possibly the shot was taken with a 35mm lens. I have no idea what the rope was for.
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I can spot illicit behavior a mile away. I don't know why, it's just a talent I have.


Phil, your beginning to frighten me.

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Judging from the intense look in your eyes that is further enhanced by your psuedo wild hair I would assume that you are the ringleader of this wanna be gang of young thugs.I bet you have 'Cheap thrills in the back of my car' by Rueben and the Jets playing on the 8 track,huh?Am I the only one who notices that the rope is a 'hemp rope'...money was tight in them days.How many times Gerald did the boy on the passenger front seat bend down low to give the impression to fellow motorists that you and the guy next to you were just sitting close?AAHHH yes,those were the days my friend...I thought they'd never end...we'd live forever and a day...
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I tend to agree with Phil and Tom. The guy in the back is certainly an outcast. Three in the front, one in the back? Come on. Something is up and it's not Sunday School these boys are headed to.


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Brit Pop Age... before reading the exposure date...68 ... rock the babe, roll a joint and hit the road Jack!... hopefully the driver seems to be the less troubled man compared to other passengers!
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It was the 60's man. Driv'n my car with my right hand tak'n pictures at the same time with my outstretched left hand. The camera had clearer vision than I did. See how normal I look today read'n the paper on the community page.
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I like the retro look of this. I like the whole shot. The fact that this is basically a self portrait of 3 friends makes it even better. For a self portrait it's done very well. This coming from someone who's terrible at self shots. Nicely done Gerry
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