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I like the feeling of isolation from this place at Gold Beach on the Oregon Coast. I almost missed this location altogether, but arrived to catch two rolls before there was no light left at all. Used a tripod and cable release for detail and to slow the exposure down a bit.The Gull did not move at all. The water was very Cold...not quite like Hawaii. Your comments and opinions are always appreciated. www.hawaiianphotos.net

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Here is a crop. While it is cleaner with better symmetry, I am not so sure I prefer this to the original. Feel free to share your thoughts. Aloha.

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Nice depth and the water and clouds just naturally lead your eyes to the rock. The bird is a nice surprise to find after looking around at the details in the shadows.
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Vincent, When in doubt, go with your gut. Yes, I agree, the original crop is superior because the proportion of space between rock & left side of the second crop, when compared to the entire frame width, is larger. Makes it seem a bit like there's a hole in the middle that could use some filling. That said, an outstanding exposure! I'd like to see the one you took (surely you did? :) giving presidence to the sky. Best, LM.
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Why this image works for me is the softness and the amount of detail you have retained in the sky and the sand.Great use of the diagonal lines of water which really adds interest.The image DOES convey a lonely feeling Vincent so you have succeeded in the technical and ambiance.I think it is worth noting the comparative feel of light and contrast when viewing your island shots along side of your mainland images.Both are good in their own right but I get more of an artistic feel with your mainland images,an unexplained emotion that stirs within.Well done Vincent!
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Vincent, this is a great image! I especially like the long exposure and the resulting similarity between the water and the sky. The rock looks like a giant arrowhead, and it is wonderfully incongruous. Also, you owe the crust off your sandwich to the gull for cooperating so well during the exposure.
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I would prefer a crop off of the bottom 1/6 or 1/7 of the photo; this would result in a 1 x 2 ratio for height / length, and I think would be more pleasing. The very bottom of the sand does not have much detail, taking away from the part that does. The crop would make the horizon closer to the center of the photo - which I normally don't like, but I think it would work OK with this photo. Having said that, your work is magnificent. I've just moved to California, and look forward to photographing the ocean - you're definitely an inspiration!
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Superb shot, Vincent! Colors, light, and composition are all excellent. I like the tighter crop a little better. My only nit picky thing is that I find the area along the lower edge a little dark. I think some careful dodging can make that area a little more pleasing. But even as it, this is great!
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I would disagree with your cropping comments.the blocked shadows in the sand offer drama and an opposing contrast that makes for a good lead in.
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I am not really sure about the crop yet either. Although I agree with Thomas that more room to breathe seems to work in this case. It (at times) appears to be too much room though. Still not quite certain. I did not dodge or burn any of this Ken...perhaps that may help the bottom appear better balanced and in less need of a possible crop. One thing for sure is that I need to keep the 35mm (2x3) ratio, since all of our mats are that exact size. That is why the crop I attached was done that particular way. A more panoramic would perhaps look good here too, but would not be very practical, even if it looks more appealing.


I pulled this original during an *initial* edit, which basically means I look at a third or so of the images from a roll (making sure there are no train wrecks) and then marking them for a future thorough edit...occasionally pulling one I like to scan. I have since found several that I believe are perhaps a bit more lively and dramatic that this. I counted 21 where the Gull was tack sharp...he simply was staying put! Yes Len I shot some with more sky, some where the rock was centered, then to the left etc.... Thanks again for taking the time to visit. Your comments are often very helpful and always appreciated! Aloha.

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Quite different forom "YOUR" Hawaii's :)

I like the originbal one with space to explore this large breath image. Congratulations

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Beautiful shot. The details in the sand and sky are so well balanced. It is almost a text book composition using rule of thrids for horizon and monolith of the rock. The diagonal line formed by the leading edge of the wave just caps the photo. The exposure selection to soften the water just enough was a nice touch as well. Overall a magnificent shot!!
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You shouldn't have any trouble making scads of cash with this one! "Gold" Beach indeed! A gold mine!


All that aside, you sure do have the knack for making the beach look beautiful.... and not just in Hawaii either!

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Vincent,did you have any scrapes with the law why you were there?My first cousin is the Chief of Police in Gold Beach and he told me some gut wrenching escapades that you and Kenny were involved in.Ha,Ha!(He really is the chief)
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