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"We're Two of a Kind"

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Less bench - more puppies! Cute doggies, but the bench is a little distracting. I cropped it closer and lightened a couple of spots. See what you think.

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Thanks Kim! I like that crop! Jason: Awesome dogs! Black and tans are great! They're stinkers, but they're great!
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You know, there's this not so crazy idea that we homo sapiens happened to suceed at ruling other species in planet, in part because of our humble dogs. According to this theory we were able to replace our lack of fine senses because we always were able to use our dogs' ones. So If we were in danger, our dogs were there to warn us in despite of our lack of smell abilities, ie., so that we could use our intelligence to do the rest. This is to mention how fascinated some of us could get due to some images of our beloved pets. I can understand that not everybody loves dogs (animals in general) but I use to get specially fond of images that reveal this ancient bond between dogs and us. I've already pointed out that your series of the Three Amigos ( Link )is a lovely one, but this picture also tells about how tied some of us feel with respect to our animals. Pet photography in this sense tells more of the photographer than the animals themselves, and in this particular case it tells how well you feel about them.

I call that edifying and enjoyable. Thanks for your point of view. :)

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Chris, I like Kim's cropping on this too. I find it amazing the difference a few millimeters here or there can make. Regards.
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