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In Golden Pink - Waiting


Was driving home from the store with daughter and saw this section of fence next to the road. It was a beautifull color. We caught about 5 minutes worth of pictures before the lighting was gone. This was my favorite shot from the group.

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Unedited. Cropped to create panoramic. This is one of my personal

favorites. I think I'm biased, but I think it's a really good shot.

I guess I haven't wanted to submit mainly out of fear of it not

getting the review that I think it should. :-) Time to get past

that. thoughts? Please comment. If you are going to rate a 4 or

below, please explain why or don't bother rating. Many thanks in


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Children should smile ALL the time? You've got to be kidding!?!?!? No offense Mr. Chan... that's just silly. Kid's, people, everyone on the planet, regularly don't smile. AND more importantly... there's nothing wrong with it. She's not upset. She's not anxious. She's merely, "waiting" as the title of the piece indicates. She's quite calm and patient. But hey... thanks for taking the time to comment.
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Joe, thanks for the message. I can admit when I make a mistake for unlike for certain Italians - humanum est errare! On screen the definition that is probably there in full res, isn't apparent here. Also although I love the late day colours, I would like to see the face of the beautiful little girl for she is the subject of the shot, not the fence, grass or evening sun. I think it's more of a 5/5 now. What do you think of this crop? On full res it could have worked better for me. But it is all subjective - which is the beauty of photography, and I admire your self confidence to politely request an explanation. As you and I realise we owe eachother the same courtoisie on-line as we do in person. Maria Conversano kindly take note!

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BTW - Totally disagree with comment above that Children should smile all the time. They have at least the same range of expressions and moods as adults, and what a sad world it would be if they all had a monotonous fixed smile. The sad and reflective times make the others all the more special. Contrast in emotions is equally as critical as contrast in photography.
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I would have to agree with your personal assessment, this is a strong image.

And even though I would normally agree with John about wanting to see more

of an expression, I think the fence and the grass provide a graphic quality

that is lost with the cropped version. I particularly like her placement,

far enough off center to be interesting yet not too far off to the side as

seem contrived. She also happens to be standing near the sun/shadow line on

the grass. This is well thought out, even if it was done quickly.


One final comment, I understand the desire and value of comments, but asking

for them only on low ratings almost sounds as though you are suggesting that there is no value in

hearing the reasoning for a high rating. As if to say "I know my image is

good so you better be able to explain why you don't think so." I realize

that this was probably not your intention but I just thought you might want

to know it struck me as odd...





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Thank you both for such thoughtfull comments. John, I appreciate and value your opinion and time that you took to experiment with my photo.


Personally, I like the long angle for the same reasons as mentioned above. I'm also a sucker for the panoramic look.


As far as requesting a further critique from a lower rating, I guess I'm very critical of my work and when a person rates something sorta out of line with the other ratings, I'm really curious to see what it is that they are seeing. I definitely value the high rating opinions, but don't want to seem egotisical in saying, "Hey you rated my photo higher than others, could you please explain why." To me that would seem as though I was fishing for compliments. The low rating never bothers me - especially from someone who's work (like John's) can back up their rating and even more if they would take the time to tell me the things that their more experienced eye has picked up that merits the lower rating. That's my take on it at any rate.


Again, thank you both so much for your time and thoughfull comments.

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Maria, not sur eexactly what you mean. Personally, I'm not shooting photo's just for the family album. I'm trying to make art. Certainly not saying that shooting for the family album is bad or wrong. It's just not what I'm out for. A good number of my photos are meant to convey a message. This photo is titled, "Waiting." the intent was to convey the meaning of patient waiting on a loved one. That was my idea at any rate. Thanks for taking the time to look at and comment on my work. It is greatly appreciated.
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Funny thing about this one is that it seems to work equally well in panoramic, landscape, portrait or square formats. I can't decide which I'd like better!


The crossed legs is a nice touch.

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LOL! thanks again Dom. Here's a curve for you. To match annother photo with my daughter smelling a flower that is pink and all else is B/W, I did this one in B/W with just her in color and it looks really cool. Framed next to each other in a really nice Celion (SP?) Black matting and a pink inner matting and a black frame, they came out awesome.
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