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828 test shot


Test shot,

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very cool shot indeed! that external flash seems to work very well, exposure is perfect... was the flash bouncing off the ceiling? the lighting is nice and very even, no hot spots. again, perfect exposure! could we get some technical data - ISO, aperture, shutter speed? i'm pretty impressed that you were able to capture this with the F828 and external flash, the shutter lag must be quite low (certainly closer to a Canon 10D than a point-and-shoot).
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Marc, there is no noticable shutter lag with the 828. This truly suprised me and is one of the reasons I love the camera amongst many others. The 828 has gotten a bad rap and its too bad because all cameras have some shortcomings but this one it seems has had its perceived shortcomings overblown. I will say I was not capable of doing this type of shot with my 707. Notice I said I and not the camera as I truly dont know. Now aperture I had initially thought was F2.2 but i went thru the exif on the pic and it was F2.5 which makes sense due to it was probably about 35mm and not the 28 i thought i was at, the iso was 100 the ev value was 0 and the shutter speed was 1/40th the ceiling is about 5 feet up and the subject the cat was approx 8 feet in front of me. The flash is nothing but probably the cheapest external flash one can buy its a vivitar 2000. I just picked it up to evaluate how an external flash would work with this camera lets say im very impressed as i also after capturing the picture said "WOW Dead on!" I particulary noticed that his white fur was not overexposed which in the past has always been what has ruined this type of shot for me other than the shutter lag on the 707. there has been no post processing of the file other than cropping and resizng to meet the posting guidelines here. It is straight from the camera. Personally this picture has brought me that inner satisfaction all photgraphers seach for when we shoot. And its even sweeter since it was the first series of shots I took with the 828. Ive taken 500 since and im very pleased with the cameras performance. Thanks for your comments and I hope I answered the questions. P.S. "Tony" the cat has been signed to a contract I now need to go get him fitted for a crash helmet LOL. He is a riot, and im glad the picture is making people smile. I may attempt some more of this nature in the near future.


Regards and again thanks,



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Haha.. so cute.. Would have been great to see the front to see the expression in its face. Great catch though.
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Jake, DG has already said "No the cat didnt get hurt he is up and jumping around like always. He was not picked up and tossed or anything like that."
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The cat was not picked up, thrown, tossed or anything like that.

This shot is a shot of him jumping naturally like he always does chasing his feather toy! This is normal for him to jump 3 feet or so and it is part of his daily routine. We have 4 cats and under no circumstances would i allow anyone to harm any of them. So i hope this puts to rest the questions of the cat being thrown. Thank you for reading! Thanks for all the comments, they have been fun to read. Dave


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I absolutely confirm!!

I've 11 cats at home, and they jump out of bed/cupboards/doors/windows like your cat in this snapshot!! ^___^



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I have to return to this photo over and over again. Zippy loves it. She purchased a springboard and she's practicing her spreadeagles. She does not launch very high (2" is her record) but she does like to dream. Check her out in her own folder.


GREAT test shot. I have the older version of your camera... you have a great one... enjoy it!

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Tony must be a young ragdoll. His agility is astounding. You must be commended for a truly unique shot. Our 7 yr old Ragdoll named Birdie used to fly too. Unfortunately now at 18-l/2 pounds, she prefers to sashay on all fours.

You definitely have a showstopper. Congrats.


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Hi, Tony will be 2 years old in May. He weighs 11 lbs. 1 oz. Our other Ragdoll will be 4 years old and weighs 8 oz. more but she does not jump as high as Tony. Thanks for the comment.
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