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Drowning Kitty :-)

v. bice

This photo was taken in the studio ... then went to edit in PS... enough said?

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I'd be interested to hear why the photographer thinks this is a good image. The subject material would perhaps be valid if it was illustrating a point; this however is a contrived image. Certainly it isn't something I'd want to hang on my wall - it's a fake of a not very palatable subject.


Technically it is an average composition; it is fairly well done, but looks just that little bit fake (probably the water).

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you have a winner, look at the reaction you are getting! I think you have created a great image here, and anyone that thinks you are sick or cruel really needs to think about how creative it is. I dont care what filter or technique you used , it is the end product that is brilliant!
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yes you can also kill your neighbourg to become famous ! ... the painting of Francis Bancon is allways a chock ! but it is a transformation of reallity .... here it's only direct .....
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Clever PS work? Very creative? Look up Flaming Pear's "flood filter". All you do is open a photo, fiddle with the parameters, click and hey presto! There is no way I could see this tool as clever PS work. Even in using the filter, the parameters have not been used correctly to ensure some realistic perspective. The water goes off to infinity, and yet the cat is on the horizon at that huge size?

In response to the comment that says this work succeeds on the basis of strong reactions and so many comments, I have to say I only came here because I was aghast that this image had earned a top slot on the high rated pages.

Sorry Verna, no personal offence intended, but in my opinion this is no masterpiece. Seeing as how you went to the trouble of setting up a studio shoot for the cat, I would have thought that it would have made an interesting portrait as it came out of the cam originally. I would much prefer it without PS filtering. Having said all that, I can see it is fun to play with filters and getting wacky effects from just a few clicks.

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ray, trevor, carlos, ben, and g. make the best points. this is nothing but a cheap use of the flaming pear flood plugin to attract attention. since when have cheap shock and disturb tricks become worshipped as art? since the art world cogniscenti say so and a bunch of educated fools with editorial power parrot and toe the line? nonsense, tomfoolery, and rubbish! apart from that, this (and the cat) is a goodly "executed" 5-A and a very badly conceived 1-O.
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Any one who would drown a cat for art sake is my kinda person . Excellent photoshoping, and even better reaction from the cat lovers. Brilliant work 6 -7
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I love cats too, but is that a reason for four people to give you ones. How mature are people on this site? Cats are not suppôsed to swim I think, but I can promise you that ours loved to jump in the bath tub from the time when she was a kitten. We were always scared that she would do it when the bath was filling.
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When you people care about infanticide in China, then I'll care a flying fig about this image!



Get a LIFE!!!!

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I think this is a well done. subject matter has created a lot of responds...so no need to touch on that
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Compassion is not conditional. I can care for the cat that could have been mistreated (but wasn't) in creating such a photo as well as oppressed people around the world and animals abused for the benefit of humans.


Personally I find the picture unsettling, regardless of manipulation, and plain not that good.

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Guest Guest


Considering all the attention and emotion about this picture, it would sure seem successful. I do not care if an image is Photoshopped or not, but wether or not the image is worthy of my time and thought. Dispite my gross aversion to the animal's dilemma de la adobe, I still greatly approve of the image.


Anyway, I think dogs make better pets. :)

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