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Greek Farmer - In color

michael cohen

I brought back the color to the B&W photo in my porfolio here kindly add your comments and your crituiqe

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I think that this photo is much stronger that the B&W same photo in

my folder . It will be kind of you to comment too. Thank you Michael

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That is a great shot m y friend. You got his "details" !! I havent seen your B&W. I guess the B&W would add more impact, but still the colour tone of skin is wonderfully captured.
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I thought it WAS a painting! Absolutely wonderful lighting and capture of mood and expression. I like the color version as it does remind me of a renaissance painting.
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You've got something there, my friend! Great. The details are spot on and the lighting is also good. Looks like a painting from the Spanish Masters, too. I like it very much! I usually like B&W for faces with character, such as this one, but this is one image that deserves color; now I'm curious to see the B&W version... But I do like this one a lot!
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I check your work often and think it's excellent. But I notice that this one has a green color cast over it and I don't think it makes it a stronger image.
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I applaud the attempt tp bring color back to a B&W image. And your shear tonality here gives it an interesting painterly look. But the yellow-green cast just does not sit right with me. I could see warmth being nice but yellow-green?
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Thank you all, indeed I like all of your comment even from an amendment crituqe it gives me the chance to try ones more and to do better. Thanks for the compliments it gives me encaregment to work even harder. the B&W photo of the same farmer is still in my protfolio.
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I immediately noticed the cyan cast on this photo. I'm not saying it's really bad in general when you consider the painterly overall feeling of this photo. It just jumps out of it screaming to you. Changing the cast a bit more yellowish, dampening the highlights a bit and adjusting the shadows in the background a bit lighter might help getting rid of the photo-like look of the photo. In case it's meant to look like a painting after all. But these are just assumptions and I guess a deeper examination of painting books of this style would give not just an educative but also interesting and joyful exploration of the world of paint.


The cast we all remember seen on paintings with this style is actually many times caused by dirt on the surface of the paintings. Tar, pollution, whatever. But the interesting thing is that many painters and as seen here, also photographers have tried to reproduce this color world. But as cleaning techniques of paintings have got better, the true color world of paintings have revealed to be quite different from what we've used to.


But shooting like the shit was still on is probably the best way of reproducing the look of a painting as we've used to it. I just hope I shot this photo so I would have an interesting lesson with art books ahead. I hope you will find an inspiration of trying to shoot a set as close to the real "painting look" as possible by examining the real-world examples of the masterpieces of the past times...

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Superb. Just superb.


If you want constructive criticism--you're going to have to leave a few flaws, for us to point out to you! ;-)

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