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Nuvola, the maremma sheep dog, is waiting for me finishing to loose time taking pics with that old canon rf, to go back home.

fabio b

Nuvola, the maremma sheep dog, is waiting for me finishing to loose time taking pics with that old canon rf, to go back home.

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Well, i'm going to like taking pictures at night. Technical problems,

on the camera-lens-film side are not solved, but, at least,

understanded. What competely lacks is the whole scanning process!

I'll appreciate if you'll tell me your opinion - and some diy idea

about scanning negs.

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I think you should crop in to give the dog more importance, because there's a good potential there in the dog + shop window. Pity also there's not a bit more light on the dog.


I'd crop out the pavement at the bottom, black line at the top as well as part of right and left sides. Could be interesting.

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what film did you use? i think i will settle for fuji sensia 200 (transparency film) for night shooting. but colors here look good to me -- they aren't as saturated as my bizarro slides but not everyone likes really bizarre stuff.
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sorry to be so late - i havent set an advice on my pics.

if i remember it, in that period i used kodak portra 400 - sooo expensive - now, for night, kodacolor 400 exp as 800

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for maria: next night roll i'll follow you in trasparency - never never done - but there is smtg more than 200?
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two rolls, one nice (for my low standard) pic.


cant remember what film was, but i'll post it tomorrow. i'm no more posting pics, until i'll become able to scan properly: maybe it will take a lot.


by the way, the dog is dead last month: he was unable to stand up, because displasia.


nice from u to write and let me say i like your work so much.

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gosh, poor Nuvola -- so sorry about your doggie. my father's dog died under the car in November and when I went there recently, I got him a puppy despite his saying he doesn't want another dog, ever. well, he melted away the first moment he saw it.
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the film i tried is provia 400 - i'm using fuji nph, now and portra vc: for night shots, seems better. now, as your father, i need another dog, to keep on an excuse to going round at night.
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giulia maria forced my wife and me to have another dog at home, so we are waiting half june for a baby shar pei. maria v, arent you travelling to italy?
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