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© Kamala Raghavan

Rickett's Glen Waterfall



© Kamala Raghavan
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Thank you, Tina.

For uploading photos to the Gallery:

Go to

Explore --> Gallery. Top right you will see a green button "Add Images". Once you click that it will is straight forward.

One thing I have not figured out yet is how to use these gallery images for seeking critique forums. I go to each forum and upload again. I hope there is a way just to use the gallery images in the forums. Too many duplicates otherwise.

Hope this helps and really hope this new website will be better soon!

B/R Kamala

Edited by Chakravarthy
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Love this image.  This would be a great image for a photo composition class.  Leading lines converging all the way from the back using diagonal lines, transitioning to the front.  Beautiful colors and proper blur of water.  Very nice.

Edit: Detail is exceptional

Edited by akfishinrn
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Kamala, I'm very sorry to bother you again I'd like to ask you why images from gallery is disappear? Why some images when I want to open it sais "This image it's no longer available" something like this. I did download some image and it was a day or two and now this image gone. This is really creepy PN side i have never saw like this . They took our names - gave nicknames to almost everyone, it's hard to find images that posted. I can't understand what it was reason to do like this? I have 2 months to think about do I want to continue or not to be on this PN site. If nothing will be change for better I think  I'll have to quit, because there's no points in posting images that no one can see anyway. I appreciate for your response. Best, Tina Karina

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On 11/27/2022 at 5:09 PM, tina1 said:

Kamala, I'm very sorry to bother you again I'd like to ask you why images from gallery is disappear? Why some images when I want to open it sais "This image it's no longer available" something like this. I did download some image and it was a day or two and now this image gone. This is really creepy PN side i have never saw like this . They took our names - gave nicknames to almost everyone, it's hard to find images that posted. I can't understand what it was reason to do like this? I have 2 months to think about do I want to continue or not to be on this PN site. If nothing will be change for better I think  I'll have to quit, because there's no points in posting images that no one can see anyway. I appreciate for your response. Best, Tina Karina

Hi Tina, 

I am sorry for the delayed response. I did not see this sooner and seeing only now. I am not very happy with new PN either. I find it hard to access my pictures. The pictures I removed still show up as thumbnails. Though I have to say I can access my pictures that I have so far uploaded on my laptop. I am not successful using my phone.

I too am annoyed with what they have done with the names. Not sure if I will be as active as earlier. I might slowly taper my activity. Hope to find a different platform though. This was good while it lasted.

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