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Memories of spring


A willow warbler taking food to its young. Shot on a monopod with a Canon EF 400 mm 5.6 L lens.

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Seasons pass by quickly, which is why seasonal photos can be valuable time documents. The young of this willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) have lives of their own and don't need help from their parents anymore - if they survived the critical first stages of life. I stood still where the bird was busy collecting protein-rich food for the young to let the bird get used to my presence. It took some time, but finally it landed on a reed close to me to take a short pause. I decided not to go for a centered composition and (after some slight cropping) this is what I ended up with. I liked the blurry background and the position of the warbler. It's not the most detailed of photos, but it will have to do. Your comments are very welcome.
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Hi Michael,


This was shot on a Canon EOS 550D with a Canon EF 400 mm 5. 6 lens, on a monopod, ISO 800, f 8.0, 1/1600 sec. Kind regards, Vincent

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Vincent, perhaps the ISO and DOF account for your slight disappointment in the image's disappointment. To me, the sharp detail in the bird's beak area, and whatever is in it, its feet and leg, and the twig on which the bird is perched, are sufficient to carry the image. Besides, the predominance of greens in the BG contrasts effectively with the FG browns. - - My best always, michael
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