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Cropped and desaturated in PWP

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Well balanced. Nice tonal range. Waterfall shots are common, but this has a lot more to it than a mere objective representation, it's almost an abstract. Nice shooting.
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Everything seems to be right here, but somehow it just doesn't work for me - I think the long exposure to get the misty water might be too long so it's a bit featureless. Can't be sure what's wrong, because I should like it.
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Nice composition, great tonal range. I might play around with sepia coloring or something like that to bring it farther into the abstract.
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Hi Janis, What`s the fasination with time exposed water??? - I think it`s rubbish!

You have spoild, what could have been a very pleasing shot, Best regards, Chris Womack

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Hi Janis. I think that this is a nice exposure but that there is just too much going on for the eye/mind to take in. Maybe if you closed in/enlarged on a specific area of interest, it would be more effective. Still, I believe the exposure is good.


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Max Haynes: Of course I speak for myself? - who do you speak for? It is a personal preferance and I shall continue to do so. Regards.
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My advice is to ignore people like Womack, he has no pictures posted and is only stating his personal preference.

If you dont want to appear immature you should know that one doesnt have to be good at doing something, but can be excellent to spot what is not right. Chew on this one Max Haynes!

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"Chris Womack" & "Geoffrey Swenson" have 0 pictures posted between them. These are perfect credentials to for one to attack someone's choice of style/subject as "Rubbish", and for the other to defend his right for doing so. We've all got preferences, some of us have some manners. Looking at the "top rated" page for each of them doesn't give the feeling that we are view seeing especially enlightened critics.



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Hi Janis, Such Ho Hah!!! I just expressed my "personal" preference for a dislike of time exposed water? Your shot is spot on for exposure, and composition, but perhaps (light permitting) would have been better "au natural"
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Mr. James O'Neill, first you dont seem to get it, second I looked through your pictures (all of them)!

I dont want to burst your bubble, but they dont speak volumes of your enormous talent!?! They are quite commonplace images, nothing to be too cocky about!

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Mr Swenson. I've looked at your comments and the 3 photos you have in your top rated. I have to recommend others do the same and draw their own conclusions about you.


As for my stuff, well (a) Unlike you I'm relaxed enough about my modest talent to show people what I do. (b) I have 110 pictures on Photo.net with an average score of 5.1. 67 different people have 2 or more of my pictures on their top rated pictures pages. So why should I give a tinker's cuss what you think ? After reading your critiques, why should anyone ?


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I've got plenty of people saying otherwise.


OK, I'll admit there are probably more people out there who think you're a poisonous little tosser, who, being devoid of talent, snipes from the sidelines.


If you ever do anything that you think might be worth showing in public let us see it. Your camera skills can't be worse than your thinking, use of language or critiquing in general.

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By being this irrational you are just proving your shaky photographic foundation. Meaningless photographs are just that; meaningless photographs! Try to justify them; hilarious!

Besides you do suspect you arent right :-))

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By being this irrational you are just proving your shaky photographic foundation.

Irrational. Hmmm. OK the average score I have based on 1534 scores over 110 Pictures, averages 5.1. 5 is supposed to be "good" so I'll settle for that as a foundation. 67 different people think that two or more of my pictures are good enough to be on their top rated page. That's fine with me. What have you got to show ? Nothing but rotten words.

Meaningless photographs are just that; meaningless photographs! Try to justify them; hilarious!

Who tried to justify anything ? I said that you and Womack had posted nothing. Factually true.

Calling someone's approach "rubbish" (see Womack above) lacks manners ? or would you disagree ?

You defended him, and said you don't need to post pictures to be a good critic. A logical stance for someone who has no pictures posted and believes in his merit as a critic. Correct ?

But I've looked at the pictures you rate highly. I've read your critiques. You're not an exceptional critic nor is Womack. That's my view. Based on that you attack me.

Not pulling any punches, you come across as somewho likes to sit on the sidelines sniping at others - after all you've done that to me. That isn't being a critic. That's just being nasty to people who can do thigs you can't.

One might as well throw your comment back as "Poisonus comments are just that, poisonous comments. Try to Justify them: Hilarious". Of course you've no more tried to justify your words than I have my pictures. But I can point to a long list of people with good reputations who don't think my pictures are a waste of space. Who can you point to who thinks your comments have any validity?

Besides you do suspect you arent right :-))

Of course. Doubt is the natural by-product of intelligence. If I was certain of everything, I wouldn't post anything and I'd just rubbish other people.

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Bah Humbug.


If Mr Swenson wants to beleive everyone is wrong but him, I'll leave him to that view. I'm happy for anyone interested to look at his views and my pictures and see which they prefer.


I've ended up looking at this picture rather more than I expected, and it's growing on me. I have Christmas meals to prepare, and a two day old son to look after, so I'll make this my last posting on the matter. If Mr Swenson wants the last word, he's welcome to it.


Merry Christmas


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First, this is a great shot.


Second, I wouldn't give Geoffrey an credence. He has not demonstrated an ability to critique. Just ignore him--or pity him if you wish:-)


Third, James has a wonderful portfolio with many tasteful shots. He knows what he is doing.

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