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© (C) Carlos A. A. Pereira

Between Darkness & Wonder


f4 @ 1/20 sec. Natural light from a window. Crop, Levels and Frame from Photoshop 7.


© (C) Carlos A. A. Pereira

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Everytime I begin to think I am a decent photographer I see a shot like this and realize how much I have to learn. Very nice!
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A 'classic' and beautiful model, a 'perfect' profile captured and yet which keep some mysteries hidden behind the soft and rounded hood.. clever! ...

... that said and IMO, the profile and skin look a bit too perfect to be for real (could be almost waxwork...)

Then the strange ('tan')lines of the bright then shadowed areas around the lips and above the cheek (I guess the nose's shadow)... make it even more artificial, quite unnatural... I'd suggest (but I am not pro and not a specialist of studio portrait!) a different orientation of the spotlight.

Forgot to mention that I like the way the hood fade in with the background with only the very subtle line of light on the edge.

Congrat for the POW Carlos, a good subject for an animated discussion!..:o]

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Guest Guest


Damnificent! Fantabulous! Incredirific!

Only a couple of gripes, and I haven't read any posts, so forgive me if they have been mentioned already. 1) The bright highlight on her cheekbone. 2) Shadow from nose (which just happens to accentuate highlight on cheek). 3) Nose seems to long at top. I would have liked the hood to be just a smidge lower.

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Guest Guest


I guess I put the cart before the horse. So it?s a mannequin! Of course you know this means we are going to have to give credit to the sculptor right!?! That being said, I?ll state that I have taken pictures of mannequins and they are very easy to do. I have gotten some rather nice ones too. I guess this reduces my appreciation of it considerably, but on another note, I know a girl that looks exactly like this mannequin with this same jaw and these lips. You could even say that this is a picture of her. Hmmm!
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Sorry Carlos, the picture is technically perfect, but it's cold...too much artifact, no warm at all. I would title: kiss of death
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This is one of the best and creative portrait in PN..!!! remember me somes images of the great old painter (about 1400) " Antonello da Messina"....

Excellent the use od B&W.....

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I disagree. Normally I love the Picture of the week but this week I don't. For me this picture is too artificial and over manipulated. I like the composition but as a portrait it gives no feeling of the subject. There is an exhibition opening in London shortly called Death of the Portrait. This should have been included but it does not mean I like it.
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Nice concept, but I think you need to work more on lighting. The circle of light on her right cheek and the "moustache" band of light on her top lip are a problem.
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Stunning! You almost made her look like a doll. I agree with David, about the lack of emotions/feelings, although I think it's a pro in this image. Composition and tone are perfect...
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I like this picture in the sense that I don't dislike it, which is to say, it's a well executed photograph, but there is nothing about it which draws me closer. I don't sense any electricity between photographer and subject, therefore there is no desire to have wanted to make this photo myself. The lines are nice, especially the sweep of the hood, but my emotions overall are not kindled.
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Si tratta solo di una ripresa mediocre. A rendere suggestiva l'immagine contribuisce decisamente il profilo della fanciulla. In particolare il naso, le labbra e il mento che evocano le figure della migliore pittura rinascimentale. Dal punto di vista tecnico, l'uso della luce è risolto solo parzialmente. ugo di pace
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I share Isidro Acevedo's sentiment that the fact it's a picture of a mannequin takes away

from his appreciation of the photo.


But does the degree of difficulty matter? Or should we only judge the final product? Get a

better looking mannequin, get a better photo? Is posing a live model that much different?

It's certainly more difficult. If it were a still-life with a bowl of fruit would we be asking

these questions?


I wouldn't answer categorically either way. I've seen little evidence of absolutes in "art" of

photography. In general though, I think degree of difficulty is a factor.


Big questions aside, I like the composition though I don't think it's particularly original to

dress a beautiful woman like a monk. I very much like the detail in the upper right corner.

I think it provides a dramatic buffer between the blacks and the whites. I also agree with

Stephane Camus and others regarding the abrupt tonal changes in the "skin." I agree with

those who think it would benefit from a softer light.

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Fantastic, absolutly fantastic shot. B&W is perfect for this shot. It's very misterious, very curious, very wonderful. Your model has a very perfect nose and lips. The only thing that I would change (this is me) is I would try to soften the little hot spots. Otherwise, this is truely real piece of art. Nice job. By the way, this is now my Desktop photo.
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but it is not. Not miss understand me, please. The concept of the image is great but there are somethings that in my oppinion make the image just good but ot excellent.


1.- The image is not a real woman/person and it shows ... giving a strange feel to the viewer.


2.- The texture of the "skin" is non-existing (OK, it is not skin) and there are details the are burned out in highlights.


I encourage you to take the same image from a beautiful woman ... you will have a real winner then. the idea is great.



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The composition is very nice- nearly perfect. But, I have to agree with some of the other comments as this image just seems so... flat and emotionless. While it's a beautiful photograph, I can't say I am drawn to stare at it. Perhaps it's just the very unreal texture of the model's (plastic model?) skin or the lack of different tones. It might just be a little TOO black and white.


Don't get me wrong, I would have been proud to have made this shot. I just don't think it's the most thrilling photo I've seen here.

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I find the fact that it's not a real woman spooky - it fooled me, until I read the comments. In some ways it adds to the feeling of mystery of the photo IMO. Composition is stunning. Only nit pick; the circle of light to the left of her (shouldn't that be "it's") nose.
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Fell in love with the image from the first sight. This is just such a great capture! THe interesting part is

(a) the diagonal

(b) combination of high and low key

© the subject - she is just so gorgeous!!!


totally love it. My best regards,


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