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Eagle 3


Adjusted and cropped in PS.

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I don't like this one as much as my previous post ... he looks like an

Eagle on a stick. LOL!! :-) Regardless, any comments or ratings are

greatly appreciated!!

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Of the three, I like this the best....I think. He has that look in his eye that represents his true power. The others, (while aesthetically very good) make him look rather tame in my opinion. All three are good however. Aloha!
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I like this one a lot, too. He looks like he's a high-ranking official in an army with that stance. Nice work again on this composition!
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I like very much this eagle series. I agree with Vincent this one is the best for me also. Regards
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I like the close up head shot best. This one reminds me of a maths teacher I once had. (She was an excellent teacher but on the severe side!)
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...and she was a delightful and charming personality and taught me everything I know about quadratic equations! But she had a very severe look and wore one of those black teaching gowns! (btw smashing photo, Lou Ann)
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Here I agree with Colin and V.K. Tylor. This is the best of the three because of the severe expression.

On teachers, since I assisted a catholic scholl where most of the teachers were clad in black and wore similar inquisitive gazes, I agree that it reminds me of them, In my case, however (rest, my dear and admired Lou Ann) it is a latin language teacher that comes back to hautnt me...

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This is certainly not your standard eagle photo portrait, Lou Ann. As an environmental portrait, the background makes this exceptionally interesting to look at again and again, along with the bird's imposing demeanor. Very slight fill flash might have gotten feather detail lost on the right without upsetting the natural tones.
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After a second look here...I will adjust my rating. Very very well captured. I really like the blurred out background and the colors throughout. Aesthetically excellent!
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Stern! Very stern... but I guess the natural down-turn of the beak helps to give this impression too!! The dof is perfect, as is the exposure... can't decide if I'd prefer a bit more space on the left, or maybe on the right... so I'll just keep quiet and say that the composition is good as well!!
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I'm adjusting my rating up as well. This is one of those pictures that perhaps does not have as much immediate impact as the 'head shot' but sticks in the memory longer with all sorts of resonances!
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Oh my goodness ... you just saved me YEARS of therapy!! :-D LOL!! NOW I KNOW!! This is my BEST self-portrait yet!! Thank you so much! (What's your hourly rate?)
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Like the crop and DOF and best of the 3 you've posted. If this were mine, I'd use the shadow/highlight feature of PS CS to decrease the contrast and get more detail in the highlights (his white feathers) and shadows (his dark feathers). Otherwise, nice!
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This is about the most powerful pose/composition I've ever seen taken of a bald eagle. The combination of intense concentration and a pose that suggests the bird is ready to spring into flight any second is truly a great capture of this lovely bird. Great going!
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