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Exuberant [16x20 B/W print]


Direct projection onto paper. See the first comment below for some relevant links.

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The discussion about whether this week's photo of the week really is a photograph or not prompted me to post this image. It is a print on B/W paper, but it does not involve a camera in the usual sense, nor is there a lens, unless you wish to use that term for the candle holder I used to refract a laser beam to produce this image.

The realization of this print came about after some help in one of the forums here at photo.net - this link might explain a little better what is going on here.

Thanks for looking.

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This is beautiful and so finely delicate in structure! Contrast seems perfect in order to render with plain white background. In some places you can see a 'silk veil', almost weblike structure. I have to say, I am amazed. Ratings here so far, cannot seriously have considered originality. I will be watching your work with great interest.
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[Edited to fix some typing problems] Does it work ? Not sure, but from what I read I think you've done what you meant to: it is certainly interesting, and worthy of a place on gallery wall. With both heavy lines and very fine ones, there is a lot to see in it. (Think Rorschach inkblots) For example the vertical structure on the left looks like like it might be an x-ray of a knee, and if you look at the bottom half it is almost like the top of thigh bone, almost as if it is a scan into a pelvis, but then the "bone" on the right is almost like a bird with a long tail ...


If you look at it like this it reminds you of shapes from nature and I think that is what makes it a success.


I think I have seen the word "photogram" applied to this, rather than photograph.

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Stefan you have been an education to me.

I`m gonna spend a lot of time tryin` to figure out exactly what the terms mean,but I`ve grasped the concept.

This (the combination of art&film)is something I`ve been trying to investigate mixing.Many happy experiments await me.THANKS.

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James - thanks for the term photogram which was new to me. It seems to be applied to objects being placed on top or at least in the path of light incident on photosensitive material. The present image grabs a middle ground in a sense. I use an oddly shaped piece of glass between the paper and the light source (a laserpointer). It is not so much the shadows (usually the primary component of a photogram if I understand the concept correctly) as it is the refractions in the glass that create the image, hence the relation to "normal" photography. On the other hand, the light source is rather featureless in this case and all the structure originates in the obstructing object, making this more of a photogram...
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I am thrilled to see such creative work. The exploration of unusual methods of image creation is a doorway to discovery. Keep exploring...
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. . . it works. If you end up with an image this eye-catching, how is your very clever process any less valid than Photoshop, or a Holga or mixed media? (I know, I know . . .PS vs. reality, round N+1 . . .)

What to call it? I'd say it's still light-writing, so it must be a photograph. The pinhole camera folks don't let themselves get shut out of the community, either, just 'cause they're not using a lens. Keep 'em coming.

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