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The red bridge


The clouds are manipulated.

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Hi Ramamohan Pai, seems like we started on in the wrong footing. I don't mean to say all things negative on your photos. Surprisingly in my opinion I feel you have many better shots which should have been rated higher then your 2 with ratings on your photo.net site. You obviously are very interested in photography. If you are living in Singapore perhaps we can meet and share more ideas on photography.
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Hey Alec ..... i think you dont like criticism a bit..... i liked the bottom half of your photo...the red bridge and the water..also the angle....but the top half does look unrealistic..infact too far fetched....being a good photographer or a PS expert are two different things..... you may be a good photographer but by the look of it you are not an expert in PS manipulations......
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Yeah right! Funda Genie! I'll respect your comments on "The Red Bridge" if you can show some decent pictures in your own portfolio.
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This is a fantastic image, as in, it depicts a fantasy world, like a movie set from a children's show or some such. In fact, the evenness of the lighting (coming from an overcast sky I would guess) gives the image a set-piece kind of feel, lacking strong shadows as it does. I wouldn't condemn it for that - this kind of image has its place, certainly. For me, the unreality of it is a little too strong, primarily in the clouds, but that's just my taste.


For what it's worth, people who have no pictures posted should be treated as valid viewers and reviewers of your work. You may not agree with them, but don't condemn someone's opinion just because s/he has no images on photo.net. I do have images here, but honestly their quality or lack thereof isn't the base factor in my ability to have a worthwhile thought about other images.



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Hi Marshall. thank you for commenting on so many of my photos. This is what I value - constructive criticism and your photo.net images also show great skills and patience. I respect you as an artist and a great motivator.
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Geez Alec, you really stirred up the bees nest with this image! I just died laughing at Pavel's comment above! So serious! I think its a great composite and has a great amount of visual impact. And I give a lot of credit to you for using your imagination, whether behind the camera or in the digital darkroom.
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I think it's a nice image.. gives a special feeling when I saw it..

One thought.. may be u can add the word: "composite" to avoid so many debates in the comments =P. I don't think that word will degrade a good work!


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Wonderful image. I am not sure that the clouds add very much to the photo, but if you think yes, you could try to do it better. However, I think it is very difficult to mix clouds with trees. Personnaly, I would'nt have tried.
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Alec, the only thing I don't like about this photo are the fake clouds, in my opinion they don't make a good job to this shot. Telling my humble opinion, I am against these manipulations which alterate dramatically the image, but unfortunately I see a lot of these jobs on PN, sometimes really bad realized, but anyway high rated. Just put a stunning colour or a colourful sky, and everybody will high rate the shot. I am a purist so I don't accept very much these kinds of jobs, because you finish in digital art, faraway from photography (but of course I am not telling you that you haven't to do that). Don't be angry if somebody criticize badly your photos, at least he is telling you why...I got some very low rating (either a 1/1) from people who didn't say why, and moreover don't have any photo on the net, or their photos are really the sunday party snapshots... That's the dark side of photonet!
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Hi Antonio, thanks for sharing. The 'red bridge' is one of my very first submissions to PN. I was very fascinated by digital manipulations during that time and tried my hand at it. The clouds were done inadvertantly to merge with the fauna after I found the effect amazing. I never knew it will cause so much comments but you must agree that it was original! I am also against people who manipulate without admitting it. (I did) But if it is told upfront then I think the asthetic values deserve credit. After all, some of the best works in PN are manipulated AND very creatively too, I might add. For them to get to that level of digital manipulation their photographic skills are definitely very high and their images are judged by it's merit. (Not many can master PS software skills) I am proud to say that after going through the 'school of hard knocks' it has made me more aware - to create better photos with less reliance on PS. Thanks to learning from all the great PN photographers and their super images!
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