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The little church at the center of it all!



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:This is good on so many levels: Dramatic sky, Subject matter, fence leading to subject, graveyard in background, and color. Bravo.
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Fabulous photo, Laurent. Beautiful big sky and the fence create a superb leading line to the church. Great composition.


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Gary...Thank you so much!I had to dig this one out of the files specifically because of the picket fence and its leading line;unfortunately,it was removed and replaced a few years back with some quarry stones which do lead the eyes but not as intensely as the fence.Salutations-Laurent
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I agree with everyone's comments but Bernie said it the best. This is beautiful on so many levels. One for the wall. Thank you for sharing.


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Brian...Thank you for the so kind note on this one and for following my uploads.Mes meilleures salutations-Laurent
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A very nice photo with your well known wide angle lens and impressive sky. But maybe what is most striking is the fact that the photo by now has received no less than 2.035 views. How do you pull it off? I mean, when the rest of us mere mortals are happy to get just a handful of views at our photos?
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Philip...I wish I knew as I would apply the formula to all of my photos as only the odd few do take off in this sort of attention.Getting early attention on posting surely helps as it gets the photo rapidly towards the top of the trending lineup where in turn sitting on the first page,it gets more exposure.Beyond that,I really don't know where it goes for the views as the regular traffic on PN is rarely above 70 online at any time;on a personal basis,I have below 200 followers a good many of whom are now gone from PN and I am totally absent from social medias.So,failing to explain how the numbers happen,I appreciate it but not as much as when any one of my posts gets acknowledgement by way of a comment as yours on this image.Salutations-Laurent
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Thanks for your reply Laurent. Maybe someone else then is linking your photo to some very heavily trafficked social media channels? Could be the answer? I think one of my most viewed pictures (of a green parrot) owes its success to the fact that it was being used/linked to by some pet shop in the US that wanted to portray one of the species they were selling. Oh well.
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Perfect title for this composition,I like the mood created with this light. Is a very good photo. Nice days to be my friend .
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Philip...I guess we will take all the help out there to get some exposure for the images we share.Otherwise here at home on PN,if one looks beyond the few images with the three digit hiccups,the trending lineup is showing a noticeable increase in three digits views than it was only a few months ago....HOPE!!!Salutations-Laurent
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Radu...Thank you my friend.This little church as you know is a favorite spot of mine and I thought I would go back in my files to dig out this one shot where the eye leading picket fence had yet to be removed and replaced....and while at it,on a good sky day.Salutations-Laurent
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