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Digital restored 2003

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I like the mood of this one - it's very dark and gloomy. Also like the grain. To me the shot communicates something like hope - as in, even in bad times there will still be roses, even though your don't look all that happy.


In terms of composition I would move the bottle a bit more off-center (to the left). The slant of the rose, leading the eye up in the sky is really nice - off-setting the bottle and cropping right, so the top of the flower stays in top/right should give perhaps a slightly more dynamic composition?





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Tom, thanks for passing by. I think you are right about the composition; I will play a little and see what gets out.




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I think for this silhouette idea to work well, it needs to be simplified. The leaves seem too messy to me. I'd prefer it to be clearer especially around the bottle neck. Maybe by plucking some stratigically placed leaves away? I'm tempted to also add get closer but I'm afraid the bottle will start to dominate then.


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I'm not getting the same optimism that Tom T. got out of this shot. To me it is much more gloomy and sad. I don't mind the composition because I think it speaks to that same theme by making the plant appear to be more solitary. I agree with Dominique regarding the busyness of the leaves, and I think I would like to see a more distinct flower on it. I also am uploading a "quick and dirty" of how I think you could magnify the solitude aspect.
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I find this image expressing a dead feeling of something left behind and forgotten. This 'feeling' was certainly improvised as the bottle used to hold it. Very sad indeed.

Technically it could be better. On my screen it's very soft and it seems like the focus is a bit off the flower. The central location adds to the static feeling of left behind forever.

-regards, PT-Gerard.

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