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Mystic Rain


An addition to the fairy tale series...Best viewed LARGE.

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Hi Margaret. Interesting. The "rain" is heavy, and appears to me to be that wonderful wet snow we get this time of year, and yet there is no evidence of it touching the foliage. Intentional? Here you go with an ominous sky again...I like the feeling of that. I guess I would want to see some warmer evidence of the fairies, hiding within....the hint of a glow. Or maybe they are just asleep?-) The dark, rich coloration is beautiful, but I keep looking for signs of life....
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Very interesting image for sure ........ the frame is .......... a rectangle.


(warning: this comment contains a not so subliminal suggestion ..... (-; )

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Ken, I'm NOT turning this into a square crop! LOL

Linda, I've decided thanks to your suggestion and others to go back to the drawing board and redo this photo (without the rain and with the faeries ;-)

Roberto, grazie tanto! Ho cambiato l'immagine, c'e adesso un altra versione!

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Henri, it would appear the men prefer this one and the women prefer the faerie version! That's OK - we all have our preferences :) Thanks for stopping by!
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