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© 1999 Paul Schwartz

Sparkler Kid


© 1999 Paul Schwartz

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I really like this picture, but there is something about it that nags

at me and I can't figure out what. Any critiques would be helpful so I

can try it again this July 4th!

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Boy, I don't know. You think "something" is wrong, but you don't really hint at what kind of something it could be. Would it be more interesting if you got a little higher and lower up and down looping motion on the sparkler itself? I wonder if that would put some dark spaces in the bright white segment? Have fun, Thanks for sharing.
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This is a very nice photo of the type, I think. I like the off-center placement, and I like seeing the light from the sparklers shade of across the sand. The two things I'd think about are the shape of the primary sparkler region (the burned-out area where the actual burning head was during the exposure, and the spark that goes out of frame to the right.
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First, I'd like to see the child's face. It's just a blur. See if you can add a little flash or have the child hold their head still for better facial definition.


Second, the child is just waving the sparkler around their waist, creating a skirt. Have them try different patterns. Perhaps a windmill, which may also help light up the face.

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I think the subject is just a tiny bit too far to the right.


I think the low sparkler effect was a good thing.


I've seen a neat shot, (I might try it), where you use a hand held flash and a fast moving person with sparklers at night. Have the person run around with the sparklers, and hit him with the flash at certain intervals. I think the trick is to not have anything behind the subject, so that you maintain the nice black background.

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