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Study material for the masters of painting circa XVIII century


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So there I am scrolling through the thumbnails, bored as usual (well maybe that's a bit harsh but certainly not wowed by what I see.) and I come upon this rather macabre offering. I knew right away whose it was. It's weird that I can recognize your work so immediately and I'm not sure what that says about either me or you. Oh, and by the way, great shot!
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Hello Jack:

Thanks as always for your comments. The subject certainly does not relate to my personality, and I usually shun images of this...."style". However, there are rare and far apart exceptions when I see something that appears special to me. I particularly do not like skulls, nor do I ever take photos even of landmarks such as centuries-old graveyards outside gorgeous churches, out of respect. This is perhaps this exception, taken inside the studio of a famous painter of the XVII century, preserved and now a tourist attraction. I just found the angle that I thought better suited. And the reason I took the picture is PRECISELY because, although gruesome as it is, it served as a model for one of the great painters. There were two (or more) skulls in his studio....I don't know why he would need more than one!? Thanks for allowing me to explain some of the background. Again, your word, comments and thoughts. Best personal reagards. And by the way, the same happens to me more often than not when I even glimpse at thumbnails. Your art beacons me and guides me into your photographic world. DG

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Daniel, my first inclination was somewhat of a humorous one - to view this image as a fresh take on the old adage, "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." No on to more serious business. I really like how the image appears to be the result of selective color (but may not be). The image also captures the both the larger and the smaller differences in appearance and structure among the skulls. Jack was right about being wowed. - - My best always, michael
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