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real roses on a painting


real roses on a painting

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The roses are lost in the busy pattern of background as well as the bright colours. Sorry it doesn't work for me.
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This is at least an interesting concept. I have to agree with "G" that the background is much to busy for this image. It looks like some bad drapes from the 60's. However, the lighting and the exposure on the subject flowers is as good as can be expected.
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thanks everybody for your comment, I don't konw exactly what drapes mean, but I think it means curtains. I did it on purpos, because of the real flower with a backgroud of fake flowers. It is a tray painted with those flowers. And for me because it is so 'busy' it makes it more interesting, if the backroud was black, it were just roses. Thanks anyway.
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Magnificently vibrant and sensual. At first glance, I thought "Someone Else" was the title -- which gave a whole different, but very evocative meaning to this scene. Nicely done --jim
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Jim, I am curious if your comment and rate relates to a standard in relation to your own work and aims, or that of some other criteria? I just cannot believe this picture earns top marks in aesthetics, and near top marks in originality! Creativity and technical cleverness is less than average here, and verging on 'just playing' in snapshot mode (which is no crime admittedly, but no masterpiece either). So, what qualifies these high rates? I really want to know! I don't get a wow factor from any special approach, perception or technique. I get no story, or anything that makes me look twice or learn, never mind be inspired. Even the light is harsh-shadowed, and the colours clash badly. Sorry to pick on you, but I am trying to understand what gives this picture any credibility over average (and of which I have many less than average myself). All in my own opinion of course.
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The fun club hits again!!

quite kitsch and busy in pattern style and colors IMO but I understand that it was the objective of the photographer... that remembered me a tapestry I saw in a fleat market somewhere (still on sale I think!) of a magenta sunset above a blue electric pound where a gigantic orange deer was quietly (how come it could look so quiet surrounded with such colours ?! I never understood!) quenching its thirst...

Going kitsch I would have gone further... in an Andy Warhol repetitive style thus I would suggest this (see attached)... but still I am not sure which of your picture or my version of yours is the less original...


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I can't help it, but I think this is funny. Escpecially how G. doesn't understand why Jim is ranking this picture so high. Perhaps Jim made a mistake. And I also like the comment and the Andy Warhall style of you Jacques Henry. I didn't like it by the way.

But because I am the maker of this photo, I will give myself a comment.IMO the colors are matching great. Because it is to much, excessive is the word I think. And about originality: nice to have real flowers against a background with painted flowers.

And the last thing I want to say: this is not a snap shot (english is not my first language, so I think a snap shot is photo taking very quickly) I did think it over, I had this painted tray and tought it would be great if I had some real flowers. I picked those roses from my own garden, I have several colors, but this colour (again IMO) hits me. I made a lot of pictures of it, and this one I chose. I don't have fancy programs like PS. So I tried with flashlight and some things in ACDsee, and this is the result. No hocus pocus, only my own hocus pocus. But it is great and funny how everybody is looking at this picture and give it such different rankings. That makes it very interesting.

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Hello Someone, it was great to read the self-assessment of your own work and what your aims were, aswell as keeping a sense of humour throughout my interrogations :)

So, how would you rate aesthetics and originality from 1-7 in your own judgement? Also, I would be most interested in the shutter speed and aperture, and how you came to choose them?

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that's strange to do, but okay, I will give myself O=6 A=7. Wow that was fun to do. And about my camera: I have a SONY DSC-P5. And about the shutter speed??? I don't know. Does my camera has a shutter speed?? I got it from my husband who himself bought a new one. I still have to learn al lot, but it is such a great hobby. I also did like to paint and draw. But now I found something new, to 'create' things: with a camera. And it is also great to look at all the other images here on Photo net. A great place. And see what is happening: a lot of interaction. GREAT don't you think. It is nice that this picture get this intention and discussion.


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Hi Someone...BTW I had a look at your other picture in the meantime (I liked VM the pool`s one!!) I am not a great fan of Andy W. nor the 60-70`s style but I was intriguated by the number and the level of rating you`ve got here so that I felt rather participating.... the most important isnt it?!... I like your way, although I dont share your aesthetic sense in that peculiar pic so from now on you`re on my watchin` list so keep yourself and dont beware!! whoever else you are


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Thanks Jacques Henry, and ofcourse I will be myself, that's who I am and I enjoy live and do my things. And my real name is Els

so that's explain my name someone else.





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I am going through a picture at a time, and I really love this one. What amazes me about your pictures is that you see, but also you envision. This envisioning creates a posed yet wonderfully effective image. For you to "see" this in your mind, then create it...that is your magic!
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Another great shot/composition. I'm inspired by your work, and so I have to comment even though it has been quite a few years since this was posted. I have your portfolio bookmarked so that I can study it in greater detail over time. Thanks for sharing your photos, and don't let it bother you when others say they don't like one of them...because I can see you have a gift for taking photos.
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Hello again Kevin, more then 6 years ago, I almost did forget this one, but it was a BIG pleasure to look at the comments again, and a lot did happen in those years, I was still living Portugal, just did start photography, and 'talking' with people here on PN... I had this little camera SONY DSC-P5.( a friend of me let it drown into the ocean)now I am shooting with Nikon D90..... I also had no programs to do anything with pictures, ahhhhhhhhh that's life .... my motto is PANTA REI.... so it explaines a lot ;D


thanks again for walking through my portfolio, for me it is also nice to come back to this one


with love Els

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