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Jack McRitchie

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This image required that I locate the definition of "abraxas." Using this word as a title for this image is both appropriate and imaginative. It's no wonder that Carlos Santana chose it as a title for an album. Although I like Patrick's take on the form portrayed here , I prefer to think of it as ineffable, indescribable. It just is. Sadly - in a sense - the texture brought me back to a semblance of reality.
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Well seen and composed, the image could be interpreted in many ways, as for me at this time, I see a little "alien".
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Very interesting! Abraxas...or the last flight of the Concorde, maybe?
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This is one of those photographs you keep coming back to, and you see something different in it each time. Looks like a scary ghost like creature. Nice work.
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Hi Jack,


this is abstract photography at its best. I like this photo a lot; from the mysterious title that I have until now only known to be the name of a Santana album (as mentioned by Michael) to the -almost- B & W colors of this beautiful square composition. The shapes in the image are more than suggestive: they urge the viewer to make sense of the connection between the visual elements where there may not be any real world cohesion at all. Whatever you or others see in the shapes is great (from crucifixion to an alien), but to me the greatest quality of this image is the freedom to see it anyway you want. I must add that the composition, lighting and presentation are all to my liking. Kind regards, Vincent

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Simplicity and ingenious is something I appreciate as a viewer and you are a master in that field. Continue like that Jack. BR, Arthur
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Jack sometimes you really wow us, this is one of those for me. I'll bet Santana would have used this for the album cover, more artistic. Love it, favorite it..............Holger
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Hello dear Jack: Truthfully, this image surprised me and caught me just getting set in the batter's box by home plate, when the pitch had been throuwn long before. :-) I honestly did not recognize it as yours, albeit it had that power and strength that I had to investigate immediately. This image is one of your most powerful ones, even raw. A very unique projection of an Archetype, the God Abraxas and the words abracadabra, could not be more fit for this most extraordinary photo. One of your most masterful creations. I respectfully bow in respect. Onegaishi Mas. DG
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Tero, thanks for the visit. Long time, no see. I sure would like to see some of your latest work if you feel like posting it. Best regards, Jack
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Thanks jack. I havent been satisfied my photographs and kind of lost interest but i'm doing it like on/off style. But my main worry is why photo.net is like a funeral home nowdays... or have i missed something relevant here. There's something like 20 new pics a day and very rarely comments on them. Br. Tero
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