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© CC-BY-SA 4.0 - Wolfgang Arnold



© CC-BY-SA 4.0 - Wolfgang Arnold

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I like this one a lot. A great capture indeed with a very artistic flow then suddenly jolted by the tail light. Works well.........................BR, Holger
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It's these little surprises that make photography so interesting for me. It seems like two different time schemes intersecting in four dimensions.
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An unknown object traveling at an immeasurable speed passing a wall on which shadows of trees have been cast . . . This, in my opinion, is material quite suitable to a suspenseful, sci-fi-fi movie. It certainly makes for an intriguing image. There's just enough motion blur and color to tie the entire frame together. Excellent work, Wolfgang.
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This is a true dedication for ultimate dexterity in modern photography. Very Avante -Guarde, bold....and extremely (in a very positive sense) futuristic, yet it IS THE PRESENT. "Preservation of a moment, yes, preserved where? How? Within Time, you say, seemingly knowing what he´s talking about....as we all ponder of what TIME really is. So, thanks for your sharing of an instant in a tiny spot, within this floating "fish tank" around the Sun, and the Via Lactea, and all of those in a small cluster of Galaxies that "we" humans know of? Your image really took me into a deep reflection on this metaphysical concept. Photography....a Dimension by itself. DG
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Patrick, Holger, Jack, Michael L, Daniel, Michael N.: I really enjoyed reading all your comments and thoughts! My initial idea was rather simply about how street lamps and the lights of passing cars transform this insignificant place - in reality it is so 'un-sci-fi' that my small brain did not consider any such associations at all... Yet, your comments taught something me about my little photo. And, they reminded me that time is inherently present in every photograph - maybe still photography is the only medium that is capable of creating a credible mapping of time and our three spatial dimension into a bounded space of two dimensions.
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