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In the souk


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Black and White

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This is an odd picture to my way of thinking. Not odd in the sense of strange but odd as a complement to even. In my mind, even pictures are set, composed, finished. They are there to be admired for their beauty or the skill of their composition. Everything is perfectly in place. Odd pictures, on the other hand, seem to be still in flux. as if they were plucked like a still-wriggling fish, from the sea of life. Their sense of ongoing action engages our perception and we become, in some strange way, active participants in balancing the divergent elements of the composition.
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Odd picture in your eyes are not odd in other's eyes.

This is the normal view or picture in any eastern country market, the head cover may be odd in some areas, but it's the rule in some other areas.

This a clear and very simple example of the human diversity that we must accept as a human race and live with in order to live in harmony and tolerance, otherwise those odds of the shape, appearance, and styles of living would constitute a barrier and a foundation of denial and hate to others.

our similarities at far greater than our differences.

In a word, God have composed us as you have composed this picture.

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Saad - Although I fully agree with the sentiments you expressed, I think you missed my point. As I stated "not odd in the sense of strange but as a complement to even." I was referring to the way it was composed, the sense of life in flux that it conveys and the way the viewer is drawn into the picture. It is full of life and ongoing action. Odd/Even are my own definitions, referring to potential vs. finished or settled. I personally prefer pictures where we seem to be in the middle on an ongoing, changing story rather than a picture that is so closely calculated and perfectly composed that all the life seems drained out of it; it is finished and exists solely for our admiration In this case, "odd" was meant as a complement. In no way did it refer to subject matter.
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Dear Jack, I understand your first comment, and I sense that you approve the picture and you wrote in favor of its done.

But you must have noticed that I write in English far less of what I want to say, I seldom write what exactly I want to say and I feel, a big ocean is between the two.

And you already know that you have written your comment in a rather literature language ( at least for me ) that I can't cope with in reply.

In a word, I feel you ,but I can't say the proper words to express my support .

Stay well and fine , with my lot of thanks for your second comment.

(I wrote a comment ,I guess better than this but it didn't post because of the site malfunction)

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Saad - Thank you for your kind reply. English may be your second language but you express yourself in it very well - better than most Americans, I' would say. I know there will always be misunderstandings, especially when I try to explain my rather personal theories about art and photography. However the communication of the heart is clear. That tells me a lot about the person and I can say I'm glad I've gotten to know you through this exchange of comments. You're an excellent photographer and a thoughtful man. For me that is the value of PN: the chance to meet and talk with talented and intelligent people such as yourself.
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