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South view from Dupont Circle in Wash, DC


Shot at 200 Simulated ASA1/25F8


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Be Brutal! This was shot at twilight on a Canon G1. Color was slighty

adjusted to remove a purple cast, but apart from that the image is

unedited. I'd love to shoot this scene again with the benefit of some

critique to this photo. (and a level tripod)



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Travis, I like the shot but I can't help but feel that the sky seems too light in relation to the street lights below. You can probably get a quick hint of what I mean by reducing brightness and increasing contrast in Photoshop.


If I were to reshoot this, I would be tempted to wait a little later and, of course, use a good tripod.

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I like this! I think it's a good representation of a winter evening. You mentioned in your comment that you wished you'd have had a level tripod, why not use Photoshop to "level" the picture out?


Nice job.

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Travis, I like this picture...well done. If you are to re-shoot this, I'd also recommend waiting a little later to shoot. Maybe slow the shutter speed so that any traffic that passes by is blurred more than you have it now.
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How does it look in bandw? I think it is a little cluttered and bandw might simplify it a little, make it moodier. I also think that it wouild be better shot later. Nonetheless, i do like it
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Guest Guest


I don't know anything about the G1, but it looks like a typical wide angle lens. You should probably avoid the straight lines right at the bottom edge of the frame, as they are being bent by the lens. The building itself seems vertical.
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I would definitely try cropping the railings off the bottom, & also cropping a portion off the right side, from say just before the blurry van. Then the building on that side which is cut off anyway will be completely gone, giving a much more simple & aesthetic composition - I like the lights
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Geraldine, I like your alterations very much! I'll definitely keep your framing in mind when I re-shot on that location. Your version is much more intimate. Thanks very much for the feedback.


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Hi Travis,


I like this photo, but I also agree that it would be worthwhile to go back and try some more variations. I wonder if you can get somewhat closer and have the tree frame the building from the side and top, without having any branches crossing the building itself. This would involve tilting the camera more, which would introduce more distortion in the building - it might look good! Slowing the shutter speed to blur the lights, as others mentioned, is also a good idea.


Hey, you're very talented, but only have 3 photos on this site, and they're all several years old. Please get out there and shoot! :-)


Best regards,


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