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Sports Portrait of a kick boxer


Camera details:


Shutter 1/125

ISO 100

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Great work, Claire. I really like the subject, the lighting and the totally anti-menace-full (to invent a term) face of the kick-boxer. Even I look meaner than that with my kick-bag. :) Technical rendition of sundry shades of gray and black is perfect. Love the Aperture value. (The spooks caught up with the internet's photographers...)
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Thanks for the feedback Igor - it's much appreciated. We were definitely going for a more concentrated look than an aggressive one - although we got some of those too during the shoot :)


I must admit I didn't quite understand your comment "The spooks caught up with the internet's photographers" though... is it because the aperture and shutter speed details somehow didn't upload properly? If so here are the details... ISO 100, Aperture f/8.0, Shutter speed 1/125sec.

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Aha! -- a brave soul to shoot 100 asa indoors. Yes, you understood me perfectly. All of a sudden (I've been away a few years) the Photo.net is full of meaningless meta-information for shutter speeds, apertures, asa values etc. Perhaps it is the abundance of digital cameras which upload gobbly gook AUTOMATICALLY, or... it is the Big Brother, unable to cope with secret cryptography, scrambling the data. It is rather odd that a pro photo site has its key numbers all in a bunch... :)
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