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Canon 50mm 1.8 MarkII

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I can only give you my "gut" feelings since I don't have a photography background. I feel a good nude photograph makes the viewer want to explore the picture as if it was a sculpture, at least that's what I try to do in my nude pictures. I think in this photo, the best part is the area where the back of her knee meets his hip, and this area missed all of the glorious lighting that would make me want to touch the curves like it was a sculpture, and explore the places I can't see. Also, as far as their postures, he's open and relaxed, and her arms are crossed, I would have had her open her arms to echo his "open and receptive" posture.
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It's close! The things that detract from my enjoyment of it are the holes above and below her breast and below her knee that seem too bright and somehow the wrong shape and - like Katrina - the lack of texture in much of it. Maybe a soft reflector low in front would have helped? Also, to be picky, her diamond ring distracts too. But you're close!
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Its not perfect but it has something. I'd like it better if her back were straighter. Even as it is, there is an edge of confrontation about it thats interesting. I like the concept, I'd work more with it since you have a couple that will model together.

I'm betting Tom knows of these books but others may not: Howard Schatz had published some very interesting books of pictures of people's nude bodies woven together in some very unique ways. If you like the idea they are worth looking at.
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I still like this shot and I think so far all the comments help reaffirm why I like it.


I didn't intend this to be a figure study. The lighting was purposful so that it would deemphisize the figure but still reveal the form. You can't really see the butts. The breast is mostly covered. The pose isn't what I would consider sexy. I tried to do a lot of things so that the first thing people thought wouldn't be sexual. The purpose of the nudity was to imply the type of relationship and closeness of the two people. I won't go into all the details as I'd like people to find their own meaning in this. I was hoping people would try and interpret the pose and wonder as to what the conversation is, what the facial expressions are, etc. Also, as a reminder of similiar times shared for the viewer. About being close and in a volnerable state but feeling comfortable.

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Tom, Have you ever used good ol' Tri-X for shots like this? To my eye, T-max has always looked a bit flat when used indoors and with studio lighting. Just a thought.
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You seem to really like this image, so why ask for criticism? But, since you asked, I will add my reactions. I think you should have done more with the negative space, the hi-lites around the subjects, since they are backlit. Make the negative space part of the overall composition, and you will have a better photograph.
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I asked for criticism because I want to know what other people thought of it. I also wanted to express what I wanted to capture so that others could use that as a basis to judge whether I have captured what I was trying to.
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i think most of the criticism has been harsh. i for one really enjoy this photo, like you said..there is a lot of closeness and the picture is in no way intended to be sexual. love and beauty. it looks beautiful.
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Not perfect as everyone says but I find this uncomfortable somehow and that's why caught my attention. And the photographer says: "I wasn't looking for a sexy shot necasarilly." I think I have to think about the feeling of the photographer for a while. The photo is okay with his feeling.
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The man's posture is very aesthetic but the woman's one is not. If she wouldn't have bent her back it would have been better, I think...
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"...I can only give you my "gut" feelings since I don't have a photography background..."

Kat Anderson, you somewhat defeat the validity of any comment you make with this statement. If you've read the forum's description, (A place to discuss topics of interest to photographers that are not covered in photo.net articles.), than I hope you understand my point.

I myself am not a studio photographer of some photojournalist. But I am a photographer. I take photographs as a hobby and a pasttime. I find it outrageous that somebody would critique this photo, or any photo for that matter, with no "background," passion or common relation to the subject.

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I bet shes saying, 'did you put the cat out!' 'you always leave it to me', hehe, nice tones and shapes
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Dustin, I think you have mis-understood Kat's comment which meant to say she has no formal training etc. (nor do I). In fact she has posted some of her work on photo.net and is perfectly entitled to give us her opinion.


Back to the picture, I think the concept, including the non-sexy intention, is good but the trouble is the picture does not give me an impression of intimacy (unless you mean familiarity leading to boredom). In particular the position of her hand sets up a positive barrier (her implied forearms) between them and her posture displays a lack of sexual interest (probably because you were there taking the photo!) while his is so passive as to be unreadable. The points of contact seem to be just accidental consequences of the pose rather than having the subconscious pressure of a really "Intimate Moment".


Anyway Tom, don't let the crits. put you off - keep up the good work.

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All, Remember chaqu'un a sont gout (pardon my french if its incorrect).


Some people will find this shot incredibly sexy (like me!); some will look at it technically and approve/disaaprove.

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I like this image very much. Lots of comments on the technical aspects have been made. Some I agree with, some I don't, but I do know that the thumbnail made me want to look at it, and when I did I was rewarded. The mood it conveys to me is relaxated intimacy - if that is what you were going for, you absolutely nailed it. Mike
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