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Eastern Bluebird


Male Eastern Bluebird

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Katherine: I'm impressed that you could get this close, they can be difficult to approach. A beautiful little bird and an excellent portrait... Mike
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Mike: Hi. Over the years while walking through the woods and fields , I have noticed and or discovered what makes animals and birds run or fly from us humans. It's our eyes! If they see our faces especially our eyes is what scares them off. I try to hold my camera up to my face with one eye closed and then walk towards them slowly, they tend to stay rather than run. They must see us as objects and humans or to them, predators. I have been in fields while viewing Deer at a far distance, and would keep camera up to my face, I was able to come within 5 yards as long as they did not see my face. I have had young Deer come running up to me while standing still as long as I have my eyes covered. It's our faces or eyes in this case that spooks wild animals away.
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Katherine: That's something I've known but don't practice as I should. Once I was in an elevated tree seat while hunting, totally camouflaged, including a face net with just my eyes showing, and a squirrel came and sat about an arm's length away. He was fine with me looking at him with my eyes closed to just slits but then I couldn't help myself and winked at him. Poor guy turned inside out trying to run in all directions ;-)... Mike
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