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Cokin Filters, tone, grain PS

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Fine Art

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No she does not IMO,I like the roughness of this image,so much like older traditional photography,and certainly has a film quality about it!!!!!
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I thought pregnant women should be happy, shouldn't they?? I don't care if she's nude or not, I do care about her whole body/face expression. That's a very sad picture, Piotr. Regards:)
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I don't think it is a matter of nude or not. I think it is more a matter of context. I have seen some of your "softer" post processed shots and think it would fit here better. There is nothing happy about this image. Maybe that is the goal, but pregant women showing themselves is usually a celebration of life. This looks like pure sadness. The mottled skin tones are creating the opposite effect that I want to see here. I think nude with this same pose and processing would produce even gloomier results...


If you are trying to get a dark brooding feel here I guess you succeeded but I am left asking the question, why?



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She's probably wondering when it will be over! I remember the last month of my pregancies and it seemed to last forever! Lots of discomfort and not a whole lot of joy until after the baby is born.
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The shackles of conventional thought... we are actually having people make comments expecting a happy expression or an explanation over why we don't have a happy expression merely because the woman is pregnant. The assumption is that pregnancy imbues a woman with certain happiness hormones. Or that being pregnant should make one happy. Or one's regular concerns go away when one is pregnant. While it is true that the bulging belly is the star of this picture, I don't get why it has to trump the woman in this photo. Why are people so intent on seeing her pregnancy as defining her more than her head? Let the woman have the expression she has. She may be bummed that her favorite football team lost the big game. She may be a victim of rape carrying his baby in a country like Ireland where she can't have an abortion. She could have just had a dream that her baby will be a doctor, and now she is trying to figure out how she'll pay for medical school. She could have eaten some bad food for lunch. Let her be how she is and stop stressing. It's a great picture BECAUSE it has the appearance of catching her as she was at this point, and that she happened to be contemplative or unhappy at that moment.
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