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Charlot the harlot

lars raun

colorphoto converted to b/w using channelmixer. Shadows burned 10%, highlights dodged 5-7% for increased contrasts.

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By harlot I should note that its meant to be in the freedomloving

vagabond meaning of the word. I've used the burn/dodge tool to

increase the contrasts. comments appreciated.

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wow. at first i was a bit disturbed that i couldn't see the woman's face in any detail. however, i think with the dark theme versus the white fabric, it works great!
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I like what you were trying to do here, and I think you succeed for the most part. Personaslly though, I would like to see the skin tones rendered in something other than complete black.
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...great vision, great execution. Nice post-shot work. My only gripe: maybe just one sheet instead of two. I just think to myself, why is she running through the desert with two silk sheets? But, you have made me linger on it...and this is good.
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This is a very well done b&w conversion, with great range. The shadows in the sky are maybe a touch heavy, but that could just be my personal taste. I do think I'd like to see a hint of the face, but again, that could be just me. Nonetheless, this is an eye-catching image. Enjoy.
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I like the rendering of the sky and the way the dune meet the clouds. Mouvement/position of the veils are fine.

The clothes of the model dont fit it IMO. I am not saying that I would have liked her to be nude but probably a shirt+panty or a sari would have match better.

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freedom dominates this shot. the vast expanse of the sky & the desert & the spread cloth & running wild woman...." luv is a bird that needs 2 fly". it reminds me of the flight of icarus in ancient greece. he wanted 2 touch the sun...so do we all. the flight of charlot's symbolic of the desire that we all cherish in our hearts. it makes her a everybody's luving harlot. congrats! remarkable shot! very conceptual & mystic!
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Great photo. I am annoyed by people who tell you about what they think you should have done. We are supposed to rate on ath/orig not on how the color should change or a different backround would be more pleasing to someone else. I think her tits should be bigger, and she should be a blonde and you should let me take the picture. Am I making my point clear. You took a shot with a consumer grade digital camera and created something beautiful and technicaly awsome. Lets see who out there can do this grade of work with a 990 series. Just keep shooting for you. Your stuff is yours and it is very good.
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To s shepard - Well, they are just opinions. As long as they are presented as such, and not as "your vision stinks. use mine instead" isn't that part of the point of having a critique forum? Some of the comments here do tread on the vision of the photographer, but they are still just opinions. For me, I just tried to say what I thought worked and didn't work *for me*. That's really all the value I can provide, but it may have meaning to the photographer, so I offer it up for what it's worth.
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thank you all for the great comments. I'm amazed and happy how well this photo was received.

And thanks to s shepard for noticing my lousy compact camera. I'm beginning to feel slightly impotent being surrounded by all these digital SLR's *lol*

As to suggestions/corrections I appreciate them. Many of them teach me things, or inspire me for new photos, just like it inspires me to see/critique other peoples photos. Only rarely does it bother me to be critiqued, and then only if the critique goes against everything I've tried to create in the photo, if you know what i mean. Like an intended blurry photo getting the comment "try USM or a new camera" or something like that :-)

Again, thanks alot for commenting. Makes my day...



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Dear Lars,

I like your picture but, I do not understand the high ratings! There is certain aspect about the picture that diturbs me. Mainly the shirt around the waist,it gives the picture a sense of oops. Just being honest,



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