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Evening in Tupper Lake, without sun in the frame!


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Huge congratulations for the photo of the week selection last week, Kamala! And congratulations, too, for surviving what’s so often a brutal set of comments in that forum—you came through it very well.


But on to the photo—I’m enjoying this one a lot. There’s an interesting tension here, which my eyes following the point of land from the middle left toward the upper right, and then jumping over to the bright point in the sky—kind of a zig-zag route through the image that works surprisingly well. One could wish that the central tree wasn’t quite so central, but then you’d have the sun in the frame again. I like your treatment of the sky here—it brings out the colors subtly, which will make the foliage colors more powerful in comparison.


There is something interesting going on with the colors and tones in the lower portion of the frame, though. Ordinarily, reflections in water have darker tones than the features they’re reflecting, so I’m guessing that you darkened the sky or lightened the foreground water here in post-processing. In doing so, the changes moved the blue of the reflection into more of a violet blue (actually cobalt to ultramarine if you paint) than the warmer greenish blue of the sky, and that makes the foreground look a bit as though it’s from a different place. The colors in the foreground water and vegetation are also more saturated than one would expect to see. This used to happen to me a lot, and I finally figured out that what was going on was that the monitor on my laptop computer wasn’t giving me an accurate view of what the colors in my images looked like on most other computers. I figured it out when I started doing my editing on an iMac, and found that the images I’d edited on the pc were way over-saturated, even though they looked fine on the pc. I finally color-calibrated both monitors, and that solved the problem—the pc profile changed a lot and now agrees with the Mac. The interesting point here is that it’s pretty much a given that people using their own computers to view our images are seeing slightly (or in the case of my pc, vastly) different colors than we do on our own computers. So you might try viewing your images on photonet using a different computer to see if they look like they do on the computer you usually use. If they don’t, it might be worthwhile to calibrate the monitor—it sure made a difference for me.

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Les, Thank you very much for the lovely comments.. Regarding the award, I am really honored. And I really appreciate all your inputs, I learn with each one and watch out when I shoot the next time.



The evening and the scenes in that region that day were breathtaking. I tried to do justice how much ever I could. I am sure I have a lot of things to learn. The lake with foliage running zig-zag was a difficult capture. I have a large number of shots and these two were probably the best POV I could get.



I have to take a look at the monitor display. I did not once think it could matter. I presently don't have an apple screen to compare! In any case, for this picture and the previous one, I did 2 post processing steps that made the colors stand out. One was the graduated filter (neutral density) and the clearing of shadows. That almost brought the colors alive! other steps were very minor changes. I understand the cobalt blue saturation you are mentioning. I see that in almost all pictures with sky light reflected by a water body. I need to see what is going on here.

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Kamala, This image really pops and has great colors. The land separator in the middle of the image is key to the composition. Nice reflection. HDR? Larry
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