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© © 2017 and prior, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, all rights reserved; no reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

'Look Out Below' (B&W Ed.)


Artist: John Crosley;Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows);


© © 2017 and prior, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, all rights reserved; no reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

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It's late at night,Paris Metro trains are running infrequently, the station walls

everywhere are adorned with amazing, often eye-catching advertisements that

change frequently and are worth a metro trip in themselves, this group has just left a

concert venue, and is gathering on the platform waiting for a train home, when

unexpectedly, surreallly and with the use of telephoto compression, these people

seem to be in danger.of being struck by a large, falling, human butt. Your ratings,

critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you wish to make a

remark, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your

photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john

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Perfect example of using 'existing conditions'-background ,posters etc..

and connecting them with real 'action'. It seems to be an easy task ,but it's

reserved  for the best documentary photographers only.

The photo looks funny and actually shows two separated virtual worlds(according to me).Poster(background) looks surreal ,just like the group of young people, excited after a few hours of concert 'fun' .At least nobody is using cell phones which would ruin the whole idea,the whole 'picture'.

Introduction always helps a lot,- I think is so important in that category of

photos.Telephoto compression-yes of course!




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But that's basically of my own doing because of what I post more frequently.


This is for newer members who have me figured for a  guy who shoots protests/war/homelessness/ the tired and so forth -- and the beggars of this world.


While I seldom pass up shooting a beggar IF that photo might become real 'art' or a 'statement' or better -0- BOTH, I also shoot lots of things that are fun.  


Not all are posted, and the good ones can be rare.  Nothing worse than trying to explain why something's funny or amusing to someone who didn't laugh or wasn't amused, so I am usually quite certain before I attempt to post anything I intend to show humor or amusement.


Look through my folder and find the two youths in outrageous laughs -- and a companion photo of four tightly packed youths (including the two), still in outrageous laughter.  I went to a protest, then an afterconcert, and that was a 'world class' photo (pair) in my eyes, instead of the political happenings -- speeches which had come over loudspeakers.


And they were laughing at the absurdity of my having pushed the tightly packed youths en masse, backward in the crowd, so tightly packed that they were off balance but prevented from falling -- all with my left hand, while I fired away with my right -- with a 12 mm lens in their faces.  


It was great fun and they and I were briefly kindred spirits.  We turned something solemn and stolid into a celebration of a moment that caused great mirth, partly because being nudged backward and off balance as a group from me, a much older guy, they figured was  SO out of what they thought was my 'character' as revealed by me physically.


But it really was not a repeat 'trick' from a grab bag of tricks;  I had never done, or probably will again, do such a thing.


What I did that moment, like much of what I do (and when long ago I practiced law) was entirely custom.  I deal in 'custom moments' and 'custom work'.  I Photoshop everything to the nth, though my skills are NOT top notch, and never will be.  I'd rather be out on the street seeing great images through a viewfinder and capturing them, than doing adjustments of this or that sort which can take an hour or more per image (yes that's right!).


Thank you so much for your critique which really was a great compliment, and as such, I decided instead of annotating or elaborating on what was going on in the posted photo ----since you did so ably yourself, -- I'd let people know this is not a 'one off' sort of photo -- I've lots of photos that show great fun or can to the right viewer be puckish or humorous , etc.


I'm no 'one trick pony' -- and figure I can do most everything photographic well, but if others can do such things so well and ably, why not leave them to their specialties instead of trying to compete and leave me to do some things for which I have unique talents (or think I do).


Yours also in FUN for photography -- it's just one more attribute of what we do that makes it so rewarding.


As you may be aware now,m my goal is to take 'interesting' photos, and whenever I can to make them view worthy and artful  --  even to a 'fine art' standard.


I have been learning to greatly enjoy your critiques . . . . they are most welcome here, and they don't have to be optimistic or congratulatory -- all sorts of critiques are welcome here, if they're made in good faith.


Best wishes.




John (Crosley)

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I had spotted this particular poster at a few other stations, found myself waiting for a train in the opposing direction n the opposite plaqtform and began to focus on this area seeing if I could wait to find a good way to portray it.


It took a while of waiting and watching and a few more photos as these young adults filtered into the station, but this is the best of the group -- by far the best.


I LOVE Parisian metro shooting with their wonderful, illustrated and graphic ads that change frequently.  It's a THING for me that'd I'd do again -- to shoot scenes like this even before the monuments, art, etc.  THIS is my ART.


Best wishes while we wait forl the groudhog to come out of his hole




John (Crosley)

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Chris Hamilton


From the start of posting on Photo.net I began to sense that many members did not pay big attention to their backgrounds, and it was not helping many photographs that might otherwise have worth, so I authored a presentation entitled (If I can remember the name: Photo.net's longest presentation (illustrated) 'Photographers: Watch Your Background', and this photo is a perfect illustration of the ideas I was then (and still do espouse. You can turn a 'gathering' as here, into a more remarkable photo by combining it with some 'found' element in the background, as the 'falling woman' here, which I had sort of 'staked out' waitiong for the proper opportunity for framing and pressing the shutter. I got it here, but there were other tires -- how many it doesn't matter, as only a 'success' (like golf's sinking a put) really matters. Sometimes, I'll wait a while for something to happen with a proper backtround and nothing notworthy or photoworthy happens, and I'll just move on, the time entirely forgotten in most instances. Sometimes the 'backround, especially in advertising posters, will re-appear in some other locale or context and I get a second or third etc. chance. You never know, and of course by then I'm very well prepared. It's good practice, though one cannot just restrict one's photography of subjects with 'found' backgrounds and integrating the two -- but it helps increase the 'yield' of acceptable photographs after a day's shooting if one masters the technique.


Best to you, and thanks for commenting.




John (Crosley)

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