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this is shot on old slide film and prossed c-41

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One of my recent photos has received a couple of 7/7s and 6/6s from some prominent members on PN, and has also received some 3/3s and 4/4s from some users who have 0 pictures or ten pictures of their cat. In fact, I just received a 2/2 on this same photo from someone who must be suffering on some level. So am I confused about the quality of my photo because of a few irrespective low ratings, or do I see the ratings from respectible photographers, and a very wonderful comment from Steve Blackwell, who I feel is an excellent photographer? The answer is -- look past the filth and see the heart of the opinion, the true photographers of PN, and what they have to say. http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=1816828

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Those that have no creative talent can only criticize. I have seen my photos as top rated on some sites and 0 rating on others. Thank God I believe in myself and my work.
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To be honest, this kind of whining is tiresome.


I've run statistical analyses and reported on them before. The ratings of people with no photos uploaded are the same on the whole as those who do have photos uploaded, and that is even taking into consideration trolls whose ratings would be deleted if they were reported. In fact, as I recall, the ratings of people with no photos are slightly higher that those with portfolios. I am sure the same would be found if we analyzed the ratings of people whose own photos are lower-rated.


Basically, when people get a low rating, they go looking for a reason to discount it. If the person doesn't have photos uploaded or those photos seem poor, they will dismiss that rating and remember the incident. All the high ratings from those same people are never noticed or are forgotten.


Your pathetic "photo" just shows that people are basically unfair in any matter which involves themselves. If you don't want people to rate your photos, don't upload them. Ditto, if you are going to find a reason to complain about any rating which isn't as high as you think it should be.


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because they don`t understand, don`t show intelligence, don`t have the knowledge and have a poor vision. or just have a bad atttude. mike
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I don't like it when someone gives 1/7, 1/7 for one of my pictures. But at least it is a readtion. What does annoy me is when they do not say WHY?
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Why is it that when we put our photos up for 'critique' we get numbers? I think this feature of photo.net is the starting point for all this disagreement. People go through that line up of photos with nothing in mind but slapping some number down. Where is the 'critique' in that? If we are going through that 'critique' feature, why in holy hell are there no critiques? A number is not a critique! Can't you change that to make it an absolute must that there be a comment attached to the so called 'critique'? Can't we have the option of no numbers on our photos, if we don't want them or don't believe in them? These numbers are causing so much strife, and are used in extremes in everyway possible. Michael Chang's utopia just does not exist on photo.net because not everyone has standards like his. Or like Sunset Man's, who was a defender and supporter of your rating system, until all the flaws in it drove him pretty much wild. He started with the same attitude as Michael is showing us. I know, I watched it happen. One good, moral photographer banned and deleted from this site because of the crappy practises of the masses is one too many. Beware Michael. The world is not made up of your kind of people as is obvious from all of our comments. The majority of the masses don't reach that level or even know that it exists. You are beating a dead horse, Michael. Until we have the option of disregarding numbers, in the real sense; until we have the good photos by good photographers prominently displayed, along with the good critiques by qualified critics; this site is nothing but a subway and I, for one will go along for the ride as merrrily as I can, for my $25.00 (probably 35 Canadian) that I have been silly enough to ante up. I hope the hell I know which stop I should get off on, before I am riding forever beneath the streets of Boston, as the man who'll never return.(misquote).
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Let me share a point of view that I suspect is the silent majority.


The Internet is a big place, and there are plenty of sandboxes where I can play and be a big fish in a small pond, but I came here, liked what I saw, and stayed. I wasn't sensitized to the many challenges faced by site administrators until some lurking, dispelling my perception of a well staffed, financially robust site where money was rolling in and everything was and should be free. I witnessed the struggle and came to appreciate the site even more, quietly feeling guilty and paid my patron dues, but still wishing I could help in more ways.


Over time, my perception has grown from one of merely enjoying myself to one of respect for the dedication of staff members, the competence of fellow member's work, and the untold numbers of helpful members willing to share. Think about it. Where else can you rub shoulders with the likes of Emil or hundreds of others just like him? In real life, armed with our pathetic snapshots, most of us wouldn't be given the time of day, let alone critique or ratings.


If your desire is to be a big fish in a small pond, you're not going to find it here. But if you want to swim with the (competent photog) sharks without being eaten alive, then have some humility, be humble, take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the sharks, listen more than you speak, and you'll at least be recognized for your sense of community if not your work. And for your information, I won't be discouraged however deep the waters get because I believe in the spirit of community.

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I'm not usually the person to be vocal but prefer to remain anonymous. Now that I've opened my big mouth, I think I've managed to scare off potential members quite otherwise willing to comment on my uploads. I guess that's the price one pays for sticking ones neck out.
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At no time did I say I desired to be a big fish in a small pond. This is about the rating system and what it does to a lot of us. Professional photogs included.(my example of Sunset Man) My photography comes no where near the best there is on this site (I am well aware of that from the contact with some of the best) and THAT is why I want to see more of the best, without having to see the 1 and 2 arriving on their photos because of some retaliation or other ax the numbers people might have to grind. Or the higher mate raters promoting some false, bought, manipulated crap, purely for the satisfaction of their own ego trips.


This is not about you or I personally, Michael. This is about the rating system. If you truly have spent time lurking, you will notice many, many of the good photogs with no ratings and NO status on the TRP. Now, why is that do you suppose? The numbers are not particularly bringing them to the fore. And that is my point. I want to see a collection of the good critiques somewhere and the best photos. How can you find them if you do not know who they are?


If you have spent time lurking in the forums you will find information on photography and all manner of things. But this does not show us who the good photographers are or why their photos are the best. I have spent many, many hours reading threads like this one. Keeping your mouth shut and being humble does not do anything to point out the problems in the 'community'. Read the thread above. How many many many others have you seen like this? Over and over and over again, the same problem with the numbers. The same old same old same old arguements repeated endlessly. How many people do not have your fortitude to hang on and ignore the small, meaningless numbers they receive? How many people does that 'game' discourage from participating? Does the silent majority ever get what they so silently long for? In any community? I think not.


I want the option of not having to receive ratings. I want the option of seeing good photos with good critiques. I want to be able to find these without looking at the numbers and the game. And in no way am I saying that I want my photos appearing there. The POW threads are available and keeping me reading for long hours, but they are not exactly prominent on the site either.

I hope you never do get discouraged. And no, I won't shut up woman! Thank you.

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I can't alter your reality if you only see rating problems. I deliberately avoided the focus on ratings because in my reality, there's far more content to this site that merit ones attention than basking in 15 minutes of fame with often bogus ratings. You paid your $25. How are you going to extract $25 of value from this site? Or can you even begin to measure the intangible value of ones life enriched by the content offered here?


Just like looking at a picture, the only limit to your reality is how you choose to see.

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Perhaps a better measure than ratings is how many fellow members have marked you as interesting - a measure that can't be artificially puffed, and one that's far more revealing that we'll never know.
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I think I know about the value of the site, Michael. Its just that this thread and countless others are about the ratings. Its always complaints, too. There is far too much strife over the ratings. This thread, is like I said, another great crying out about the ratings. Too many people are bothered by it. It won't get fixed by each of us ignoring it.


I have just spent the last half to three quarters of an hour going through your portfolio. Yes indeed, you know the value of the site and are yourself one of the best contributors, of information and help, on your photos. How can anyone find you though, if you do not make yourself visible? I am fortunate to have known about you for a long time. But not everyone is as mouthy as I am to attract the attention. Others depend on the numbers without knowing how to find people like you and the people who are commenting throughout your portfolio. (Wannabees like me included).


LOL, I found the big fish in a small pond, at last, too. LOL. Still waters run deep, indeed.

I am outta here for now.


keep smilin'



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A bad reaction is better than no reaction, and certainly better than being "average" (4/4).

Who wants to have average photos?

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I don't know what's going on here..! We are all human beings (I hope). We all have sense of beauty (and originalty), so we rate each other's photos. Of course we are influenced by our memories, home place, dreams etc., and these all can change our point of view.... Just try to take the best shots you can, and keep on rating!
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you must have given away some pretty bad ratings in your time... (tongue firmly planted in cheek)!


A bad rating is not a big deal... either choose to learn from it if it's from someone who's work you admire, or ignore it if you don't think much of the rater's style.

Either way... get over it!

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When a picture ONLY have high ratings there is nothing to learn... Forget it.

I prefeer low rated pics. Then you can look it again and IMPROVE it. Don't care about the pics of low raters, may be they are best critics than photog. Or don't care about ratings at all, or may be you need to be on TOP-RATED photos?

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