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Wispy Hilton Falls


15 s; f/8; ISO 64; 20 mm

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The lighting was extremely challenging and the falls was a trickle.

There were no streams upstream and downstream! Used an

unusual technique to balance the lighting in-camera.

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"Used an unusual technique to balance the lighting in-camera." 

I'm curious what your unusual technique was since the result was outstanding!

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Thanks Janine and Chris.  Chris, it's the "magic cloth" technique.  There are tutorials & such on the web.  Basically, I used a black cloth to hold back the exposure in the upper left, giving it about 2-3 seconds and the rest 15.  It's a bit of trial and error, but I was pleased with this too.  Regards, Jeff

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Thanks for sharing your technique! It's very interesting. Kind of like dodge and burn in the old film days on the print.

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Hi Javed, this was a single exposure.  To control the light I used the "magic cloth" technique.  There is info and tutorials online.  Regards, Jeff

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Good in-camera work and well thought composition, Jeff. The waterfall is beautiful, even if not at full power. Best regards. Peter

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