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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Guardian Angel



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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I truly believe that there is a guardian angel, who is always with us ... what happens is that we do not perceive it. Neither makes us better or worse people: simply accompanies us so that we are never alone. I do not think it's anything physical, but rather something immaterial, spiritual ... that moves us. Physical objects are just subtle manifestations or vaguenesses that help us to recognize; it could be the doll, may be the silence that surrounds everything or perhaps even the shadow, in this case there is something special in her shadow, almost as if alive :)


The guardian angel is something more powerful than friends, because the latter are usually slaves of one another. They're obliged to pleasing each other, in a kind of slavery without being actually felt or realized, but ultimately it is a true servitude. Instead I never have to please my angel, neither it pleases me. We only do ourselves company, helping each other remember that we are still alive, a reminder of our own existence and a reflection of our own consciousness that prevails at all times and situations. Proof that human beings, are not merely a set of cells, but we expand and project around us. The best way to feel our own self-being is to enter a narrow place and stay relaxed for a time.


For me, this image is a reflection of how life moves around in a way that can not be grasped visually, it has to be felt, perceived through senses: sometimes it'll hurt, sometimes it'll sweeten and it's up to us to know how to stop and look around. Hence, details are extremely important.


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" Neither makes us better or worse people: simply accompanies us so

that we are never alone." Comments are welcome, thank you!

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I do believe in Guardian angels  but sometimes I wish they could be more protective as in the case of that little Syrian boy that washed up on the beach and caught the world's attention but not so much these days.  


Initially I looked at this image without reading the title or the text and it led me down a different path on what I felt from all of the 'elements' in the image. The light is wonderful but the surroundings gives me a feeling that this is a type of prison even though I don't see any bars. Your leaning head and holding the doll gives me the impression of innocence as in your early days of childhood,. But not only that, but one of submission.  The strap of your dress is hanging low exposing more or your body as if this is the only way that you can placate your captor. Then you wonder that as you age whether your body can continue to please him or will he get someone younger? Maybe that shadow  is that of the younger woman waiting until .....


Oh Guardian angel, advise me and protect me!!

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Dear Tony, I like the interpretation you've made of this image and surprises me as well, in the way, you've internalized all the elements and signals.

Of course I know the story of the little boy, a sign that humanity is rotten and is indifferent to the suffering of others. The other day, I had the misfortune of witnessing a fight in the street, several people arguing and shouting were ready to use even their hands and everything :(

So, how will people care about the rest of the world? If two people hate each other to death, if there is no peace between two people, who stops to think about the entire world?


I think the appreciation you've done about the "guardian angel" is in part considered from a religious sense, as someone "who protects", like religion tells us... it's due to the title of the image. I liked it better to use these familiar terms, stronger and striking than for example: "accompanying fellow" or something like that, more strange to our ears.


But it does not imply that will protect ... not protecting, only "present", for good and for evil. As a subtle sensation... that can be found in any detail around us.


Well, the shadow is the one of the woman in the image, undoubtedly because it comes on her feet and stretches to the back wall ... born on her feet, so ... is hers. No other woman. However, the shadow is special, it has "a wink" that makes us think about that special presence (angel/fellow), because it really does exist!...

I'll wait, if someone discerns the strangeness of the shadow, the reason that leads us to conclude that though being hers, she's not alone. If no one says, in the end I tell myself.


Thank you very much for your visit and your appreciation so interesting.

Very grateful, kisses !, Laura

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Complimenti anche per questa incantevole immagine ricchissima di espressività! Immagino affiorino dalla memoria grandi ricordi del passato; Come sempre molto belle le luci e pure la composizione! Ciao Gianni


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Caro Gianni, sono contento che ti piace questa immagine;

Sì, è vero ... mi vengono in mente molti ricordi del passato, della mia infanzia ... ma ancora tenere i piedi saldamente calpestando "il presente".

Sono contento che ti piace la composizione. La ringrazio molto per l'interesse e l'apprezzamento che buona. Molto grato.

Con cariño, Laura.

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I do believe in my Guardian Angel for many reasons. She has provided for many situations and protected me from my lack of focusing and paying attention to details. I can see that yours has provided for your superb creativity in many ways! You have made me go back and aloud for my creative wave to come in and permit all my guarding angels to come in. I also have an intellection angel always carrying books that provides for my expanding experiences of my consciousness. Another is an strong black dude who is always providing awareness of my physical surroundings, as I work with many primitive souls that get arrested and do not see the light, he asset for me to be an avenue of trust for them. My Indian is one that keeps me aware of multicultural acceptance and tolerance! You are amazing my friend. Take good care.
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